Ch 12-13 Q1 Sacrifice

Chapters 12-13, Question 1:
  • What are some of the sacrifices the people of Korphe made in order to build this school?


  1. some of the sacrifices people made for this is that they gave away twelve of the best rams in the village. this was a sacrifice because the people of korphe think of rams as a pet. they also lost some sleep on the night that they went to the street where Greg had been stopped because of a rockslide. they also gave up a lot of time and effort to build this school.

  2. In order to build the school, the people of Korohe gave 12 of their best rams to Haji Mehdi. They also carried supplies over a landslide to Korphe and they carried 90 pound cement blocks on their backs. They also gave up their time to work on the school instead of their crops. They sacrificed a lot, even a meal (the rams), for education.

  3. While Mortenson was in America, the people of Korphe cut the stone for the schools themselves, all summer, instead of using the money he gave them to hire people. They also carried 90 pound blocks of cement so that they could get it to Korphe because of a landslide. The men of Korphe gave up some of their time for working on crops to work on the school also. They even gave twelve of their best rams to Haji Mehdi when demanded them.

  4. The people of Korphe cut all of the stone themselves from the nearby mountains. They spent long hours doing this instead of tending to their homes and fields. They worked very hard for no pay. When the jeeps carrying the beams for the school were stopped in a rockslide all the men of the village came to carry the loads all the way back to the village. The men of the village went without food or sleep for many days to carry the heavy beams to Korphe. The women worked in the fields and kept their homes running so the men could work on the school. When Haji Mehdi came and announced his displeasure, the villagers gave up their best rams to keep him happy so he wouldn't hurt their efforts to build a school. The rams were extremely valuable to the people of Korphe. They were pets and food for the villagers. The people of Korphe made many sacrifices for a cause they believed in.

  5. they got up early to help carrie the cord up the reast of the way to were they are building the bridge and it took ten opeople to care the cord.

  6. First they had to carry all of the supplies to Korphe, from jeeps because of a rockslides. The People of Korphe also had to give 12 of their best rams to a man named Haji Mehdi, who is the chief of Askole, as sacrafices.

  7. Some sacrifices the Korphe people needed to make in order to build the school were to wait for some time in order to get the money, supplies, and people to help build the school. Also the Korphe people needed to carry all the heavy equipment and supplies to the location where the school is going to be built. Before they could carry the supplies to the location they needed to build a bridge over a river that connected the two places. It took awhile to build the bridge because they needed to wait till they were able to raise money and then get the supplies for a good affordable price. Another thing the Korphe people needed to give up were 12 rams to Haji Medhi (cheif of Askole). Giving up the rams was not easy beacause the rams are an important part of the Korphes life.

  8. I agree with Sarah and Noah because they talk of the sacrifices that the Korphe villagers had to make to build the school. For instance, the villagers walk a total of 36 miles just to carry the building supplies for the school because of a landslide that blocked off the already narrow road. Another sacrifice these people were forced to make was to get rid of 12 of their most prized rams. To them, rams are like a family member, and pet, and the list can go on forever, all rolled up in one huge ball. They sacrificed that, for eternal knowledge.

  9. The Korphe people had to get the money for suplys to make the school. They also had to carry all the heavy equitment to the place the school was getting built.

  10. Some sacrifices the people of Korphe made for their new school were that they waited quite a while for Greg to get the money to build it. They also cut the stone themselves from nearby mountains and carried it all the way to Korphe. But before they could carry the supplies to the location where the school would be built they had to build a bridge over the Braldu river. It took a while to build the bridge because they had to get enough money to buy the supplies for it. After the y built the bridge the Chief of Askole, Haji Medhi, demanded 12 of their rams in order for him to give them "permission" to build their school. It was very hard for the people of Korphe to give up 12 of their rams because rams are very important to them.

  11. I agree with Jamie because the people of Korphe did have to wait a while for enough money to build their school, they had to carry the equiptment all the way to Korphe, and they had to give up 12 rams in order to build their school. The people of Korphe had to sacrifice a lot in order to build their school.

  12. The Korphe people made different sacrifices for this school. They gave 12 of their best rams to Haji Medhi. Rams are very special to them and taken great care of by the boys in the family. Another sacfrifice, is there health. They carried all the supplies back to Korphe when the jeeps couldn't in the landslide. They spent all day and night walking to get the supplies and bring them back to Korphe. Also, they cut the stone for the school themselves instead of paying people from other vilages to cut it. This way the money could go to the school instead of other people. The men from the vilage went to cut the stone instead of tending to their farms and helping out at their houses like usual. All of these sacrifices show just how much they want and need a school.

  13. they had to give away twelve of their biggest or their best rams, they had to carry all of the supplies because there was a rockslide so jeeps couldn't get through, and last they gave up all of their time to help these people get their education they need or deserve.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The people of Korphe waited patiently while Greg had to get supplies for the bridge. They also gave up their 12 best Rams to Haji Medhi so they could build the school. The people of Korphe also carried 90 pound chunks of rock so the stonecutter could use it to make brick for the school.

  16. i agree with everyone here. The people of Korphe had to sacrifice 12 rams to Haji Medhi. Rams are an important pert of the Korphe life and without them the people suffer a great loss. Also the people of Korphe had to do a lot of work in order to build the school

  17. The people of Korphe made many sacrifices to give the gift of education to their children. First and foremost, they waited for a very long time for enough money to be raised, and for Greg to come back with the supplies for the school. Many young men worked tirelessly, carrying back- breaking stones over the bridge to the building site. Haji Ali and the people of Korphe also sacrificed 12 of their best rams so that the building of the school could continue. Although rams are considered precious in Balti culture, Haji Ali said he gave them up because he didn't want the children, like him, to know feeling of not being able to read.

  18. The people of Korphe made the sacrifice of giving up their prized rams in order to keep their school. The rams were the most important thing the village had, and they relied on them to survive. Sacrificing the rams showed that the poeple of Korphe realized how important this school was for their village.

  19. In these chapters, the people of Korphe underwent many sacrifices. This includes losing twelve of their best rams, losing sleep, and putting in much effort to build the children's school. The twelve rams were thought of as a first child, and a beloved family pet all into one. The eldest boy would care for their ram, and each thought very highly of their pet. The men lost much sleep to help Greg in a major crisis. He and the supplies had been stopped in an exteremly dangerous road due to a rockslide. Each person carried about eighty pounds of supply each trip for twelve miles each way. All people put in much effort to build the school. The men carved the stone so that they could save the ten-thousand dollars. the people had to feed, and house Mortensen throughout his stays, and giving him what little they had to eat. In conclusion, Haji Ali had to stand up to Haji Mehdi so that they could complete the construction of their school; even though they risked themselves of a severe beating.

  20. They had to give up twelve of their biggest rams to the cheif of Askole. This was a sacrifice because rams are a very important part of the people of Korphe's lives. Also, the religious leader of Korphe, who usually doesn't endure physical labor, helped carry supplies back to Korphe so the school could get built.

  21. The people of Korphe had to make many sacrifices in order to build the school. I think one of the biggest ones was having to give up twelve of their best rams. The chief of Askole said that if they were going to build a school then he needed something in return. He didn't think they should be allowed to build this school because girls were going to be allowed to attend it. It was very sad for everyone giving up the rams but Haji Ali believed it was the better sacrifice. Haji Medhi would have food for that day but the people of Korphe would have education forever.

  22. Well, in my opinion, which I'm not asking you to listen to, is that the people of Korphe made many sacrifices, as many people have said. One being the giving up of their best rams, undoubtably, to them, much of the wealth they owned. Furthermore, the Rams weren't just valued monetarily, but they were thought of as pets or a first born child. Another sacrifice, slightly a more welcomed one than the loss of their rams, was the countless hours working, or waiting, much of their time and life went into this project. I can't think of a heck of a lot more noticeable sacrifices to list so, Inshallah, I shall post my... um... post.


  23. The people of Korphe made sacrifices to keep the school being built. When a rockslide stopped the jeeps carrying the supplies for the bridge on the road to Korphe the men from the village walked eighteen miles to the jeeps and then walked back eighteen miles through the night without food carrying the heavy supplies. While they were building the school, Haji Mehdi came to the village and was displeased with this. Haji Mehdi ordered to stop the building of the school or give him twelve of Korphe’s best rams. So the village went to get the twelve rams. The rams are the villages’ food, pets, and pride. The whole time the school and bridge were being built; all the men in the village left the houses and fields to work on them. So the women and kids had to do more chores to make up for the men not being there to work.

  24. The people of Korpe made many sacrifices to build the school. They were forced to give up 12 of their best rams (about half the villages wealth) the also walk 18 miles to carry supplies to the village it took them a full day to walk the 18 miles. The women worked in the fields so the men could carry 90 pound stones to construct the walls of the school. Even there religious leader who is not supposed to do fiscal labor helped carry the beams.

  25. One sacrifice that the people of Korphe made was they gave away there most price possession of rams. Rams were a very important and valuable part of the Korphe village. So the fact that they could give up the most valuable thing in their village for a school is amazing.

  26. One sacrifice that the Korphe made for the school is their 12 best rams for their school. This is a sacrifice because they depend on the rams for food and use for work. But it's a good sacrifice because once the school is going to last forevery and 12 rams will be gone.The school will be built for warm, education, and education for boys and girls.

  27. I agree with Allyssa Hampson that they sacrifice to Askole and was important to Korpe people. And labor work was done to finish this school of the landslide. Also this school is important because the religious man help when he not first to do labor work like Allyssa said.

  28. One of the sacrifices people of Korphe made in order to build the school were the villagers giving up their most prized rams. Another sacrifice was they took their time to carry and build the school. Like when they cut the stones themselves, instead of hiring someone else to do it.

  29. The people of Korphe make a lot of different sacrifices in order to build their school. For example they disobeyed Askole, a very important person to people in Pakistan. They did this just to build their school. They also gave up their best goats to Askole. This was another great sacrifice for the school because the people in Korphe loved and relied on these goats very much. They also sacrificed themselves by doing the manual labor. They would give up some time doing what they like to do and what they need to do just to work on the school. They spent time cutting ans shaping everything so it would all work out.

  30. one sacrifice was that they sold all there price possessions of 12 rams so they could build the school.

  31. The people of Korphe made many sacrifices to get a school. Before Greg went back to the U.S., he gave Haji Ali some money to hire men from other villages to bring stone in for the school. When Greg returned he had found very few stones where there should be allot, he found that the men of Korphe were cutting and carrying the rocks by themselves (the reason they were doing this was to save Greg’s money). They still had to tend to their farms and do their work; hence there wasn’t a lot of time to move rocks. Another sacrifice was when there was a landslide over the road, and the men of Korphe (including the mullah or religious leader, who weren’t supposed to do manual labor) walked all night (18 miles) to get to the land slide and help carry the 90 pound rocks. One more sacrifice was when Mehdi a scum from another village came and said they can only build a school if they give him 12 of their prize rams (which were the main value of the village). The people of Korphe gave up their time, labor, and the most valuable things in their village just for a school.

  32. Many people in Korphe made many sacrifices so they could have a school made. The people gave up twelve of their prize goats to Askole because they were disobeying him. Many of the Korphe people did hard working labor, such as carrying 90 pound stones for about 18 miles. They would also leave their farming hours or work hours just to help Greg build the school.

  33. One of the sacrifices that the people of Korphe made was giving away theire prize rams in order to keep the building process of the school to keep going. Another sacrifice was having the older and more weak people of the city carry ninety pound bags of cement to the site where the school was to be built.

  34. The people of Korphe sacrificed twelve of their best rams in order to build the school. They carved the stone out themselves in order to build the school and not waste money. They also labored day and night just trying to get the school finished whether it be carrying ninety pound stones or lifting roof beams they continuously worked to achieve their goal.

  35. The people of Korphe had to give up many sacrifices to help build the school. But the main sacrifice was that they had to give up 12 of their largest rams to Haji Mehdi, the chief of Askole, but to Greg he was a criminal. This was the main sacrifice because one ram to a member of Korphe was like a firstborn child or a family pet. The 12 rams were also big sacrifice because together they equaled half the wealth of the entire village.

  36. The people of Korphe have made many sacrifices to build the school. For example, they took time from their crops to build the foundation. To bless the foundation, the most prized ram, the biggest and best male sheep was sacrificed. This ram was the most valuable in the village. They also walked all night to get the supplies from the jeeps that were stranded, and worked exceptionally hard.

  37. Some sacrifices the people of Korphe made were that they cut the stone for the foundation of the school by themselves and spent most of their time doing that instead of spending Greg's money so they sacrificed their time. They also put hard labor into the school, by carrying stones and digging trenches. They sacrificed their biggest prize ram and ate it as a blessing to start building the school. The women of Korphe helped sacrifice their time by carrying water to and from the river to mix cement. When the road became blocked by a landslide, the men of Korphe gave up sleep and walked all night to carry the material 18 miles all the way back to Korphe. When Haji Mehdi came into Korphe and told them that Greg had come to poison the children they stood up for Greg willing to sacrifice anything and told him that they would build their school no matter what. By standing up for Greg and their school they had to sacrifice 12 of their largest rams. This is about half the wealth of the village.

  38. The Korphe people had to sacrafise many things such at giving their rams to Haji Mehdi. Which was a big deal to the Korphe people. Also they had to carry 90 pounds and really long distance. i agree with Shelby.

  39. Some sacrifices that Korphe made were they had to get rid of their 12 largest and prized rams to the Askole village. They loved their rams and the boys who took care of the rams were sad and they were crying. When the jeep that had all the supplies got stuck at one of the roads the Korphe men went out to go get the supplies so they could start building. They did lots of hard labor trying to get the stones out of the nearby mountains.

  40. The people of Korphe made many sacrifices in order to have the school they now have today. First of all they built the bridge. Even though the bridge itself was not a sacrifice, the work that came with it was. The men cut the stone and carried it all the way to the village of Korphe. Also, they helped in the assembly of the planks of wood and the stone towers that support the bride. The bridge itself brought more sacrifices though. Once the bridge was built the men had to cut more stone for the school. Then Mehdi came to the village of Korphe and demanded 12 of the best rams in the village. So the villagers sadly gave them up. But all of the sacrifices paid off in the end when the school was finally finished.

  41. The people of Korphe had to make many sacrifices in order for Greg to build the school. One sacrifice was that the people of Korphe had to give tweleve of thier best rams to Mehdi, the chief of Askole. A lot of the men in Korphe had to sacrifice time, because they helped to carry large stones for the fondation of the school along rugged roads for many miles to get the stone to the location of the school. Also, the people of Kophe sacrificed time because they lived for over 600 years without having a school.

  42. There were a few sacrifices the peole of Korphe made in order to build the school. One sacrifice they made was giving twelve of their best rams to Haji Mehdi so that they could build the school. People with physical disabilities caried 80 pound rocks on there backs in order to get all the stones ready to build in time for Gregs return. The people of Korphe made these sacrifices to show how much they loved Greg and thought that what he was doing for them, made it worth sacrifices.

  43. The people of Korphe had to sacrafice a lot so that they could finally build their school. Some things that these people had to sacrafice were they had to give twelve of their rams to Haji Mehdi so that he would leave them alone and let them build the school in peace. Even though these rams were very important to the village and was half of their whole wealth. These rams als ment a lot to the kids who took care of them because they were like pets to them, and to have to give them up probably hurt them badly. Also, the book talked about how the people of the town cut up their best ram and had a party wit it when they finally finished the school. Even though this really isn't a sacrafice it is like their way of life and how they celebrate. It was kind of like a sacrafice though because instead of conserving the ram ate it in a feast as way of culture.

  44. The people of Korphe sacraficed a lot to get the school they needed. When there were landslides the men of Korphe would walk to the jeeps that had the supplies, instead of working the fields. Korphe also had to sacrafice 12 of their best rams to Haji Mehdi so they could build the school. The people of Korphe wanted a school so bad, they were willing to give up their time, labor, and their most prized possessions.

  45. The people in Korphe had to sacrifice a lot in order to build their school. One sacrifice they made was having to give up twelve of their best rams to Mehdi, the chief of Askole. In Korphe rams mean a lot to the people. They also labored day and night just trying to get the school finished. The men of Korphe walked all night whitch was 18 miles to get to the land slide and help carry the 90 pounds of rocks. Although they made many sacrifices it paid off in the end when they had the school they have been so patient for.

  46. The chapter talked about the sacrifices the people of Korphe made for the building of a new school. A lot of people talked about the sacrifice of the rams so I think I'll write about something different. One sacrifice of the Korphe people was the labor. Greg remebered all the work put into the building of the school. Once, when Greg was going to have to go get the lumber, he awoke to find the men of Korphe carrying it into the village. Even a chief froma near by village was found carrying lumber. Greg was astounded and very thankful. This proves how much the villagers of Korphe wanted a new school. Another scarifice of building a school was the waiting. The Korphe people had to be very patient because Greg had to keep going back to America for supplies and other things. The school took a very long time to build but the villagers of Korphe were very patient.

  47. The people of Korphe had to make many sacrifices. The biggest sacrifice was when they had to give up 12 of thier prize rams. Rams in Korphe are one of the most valuable things a man could own. The people of Korphe also gave Greg all the time they had in their days(when they werent tending the fields) to finish the school in time for the first snowfall. And the school was done in time.

  48. There were a few different sacrifices. One sacrifice that effected there village as a whole was that the village had to give up their villages prized rams to Haji Mehdi.If they gave them to him he would allow the school to be built. Another sacrifice that the people of Korphe did was having men, young and old carry rocks that weighed about eighty pounds for the school. The people of korphe needed to get this done quickly, for Gregs future arrival. These sacrifices were just some sacrifices to make Greg and the village’s dreams come true.

  49. I agree with bryant that The people of Korphe had to give up many sacrifices to help build the school. But the main sacrifice was that they had to give up 12 of their largest rams to Haji Mehdi, the chief of Askole and the people that had to let them go were really upset becuse they were like there pet in their family.

  50. The sacrafice the people of Korphe had was being forced to give Haji Mazir, the chief of Askole, prize rams.

  51. Some of the sacrafices that the people of Korphe made were that they had to give up 12 of their best rams to Haji Mehdi. This was a great sacrafice to them because the rams were like a firstborn child. They also carried 80 pound rocks several miles to where they were building the school.

  52. I agree with corey, there were many sacfrifices that the people to Korphe had to do inorder to build a school for the people that live in the villege. For example a sacrifices that the Korphe people had to make was giving away 12 of their largest rams to Haji Mehdi. The people of Korphe had to give away there largest rams because Haji Medi would not leave there village or make peace with Korphe intill he got what he wanted. Unfortantly the rams were very important to the village of Korphe.

  53. well...they made many. for example a man named Hji Medhi came over to claim some of thier money. he didnothing for them. Haji was the chief of askole. he wasnt going to let greg continue with the school. but Haji ali offered 12 of the villages most prized rams. they were the strongest and toughest that the village had. another sacrifice that was made by the poeple of korphe was that everyone participated in carrying rocks to help greg out. the old, young, and everyone helped out no matter what condition they wee in. they were also very patient with greg and did not rush him or put any pressure on him to build the school and the bridge.

  54. People in Korphe gave up a great deal in order to build their school. Haji Ali gave up 12 of the village's largest rams in order to Haji Mahdi the cheif of Askole, because he said that he forbided the building of the school. Rams were very inportant to the village, and to the boys that raised them. They were a sourse of food for the village and losing them made the boys that had raised them upset.

  55. I agree with Tara. I thought that giving up their rams was good but not to him. I thought it was good because they would have their school for a long time but the people wouldn't have the rams forever. Also it was a great sacrifice to have to walk 18 miles just to get their supplies to build the school.

  56. One sacrifice the villagers of Korphe was 12 of their prize Rams were given to the men sent by Haja Mehdi. To these people, their rams are like pets to them. They also sacrificed their own largest ram and ate it themselves to celebrate the building of their school

  57. The people of Korphe had to carry supplies a long way, and they gave up 12 of their best rams.

  58. One sacrifice that the Korphe people made was giving away 12 of there prize rams that are like pets to them. They also cut slabs of stone out of the mountain instead of hiring people from other villages to do it to save gregs money.

  59. One villager from Korphe also sacrificed his back to carry an 80 pound rock for the building of the school.

  60. In order to build the school the people of Korphe had to make some sacrifices. The sacrifices that the people made varied. Some sacrifices were when the leader of the village of Askole named Haji Mahdi came and orderd the village to give them something, so in responce Haji Ali gave his twelve biggest most prized rams. Another sacrifice that the people of Korphe gave to make the school was there time in the fields. Since it was growing season many of the men gave up there own time to grow there crops to help and build the school.

  61. Some things that the people had to give up was time if they spent most of their time on the school it would be harder to plant crops with the little time they had. At the time of arrival they probably didn’t care that much about school because they all had grown up without one so they didn’t think it was important because they all lived without it for the past 2k years, If they could learn it all from their parents or grandparent what is the need for a school they probably thought.

  62. The people of Korphe had many sacrifices in order to build their school. One sacrifice that they made was to give 12 of their prized rams to the chief of Askole, Haji Mahdi. They also decided to carve the stone out of the mountains to save the money Greg had given them. In doing that they had to sacrifice labor and time.

  63. The people of Korphe made sacrifices to build the school for the children. Like hen the landslide stopped the jeep from coming to the village, they sent men and teenagers to go and get the school supplies. Especially when Haji Mahdi came to their village and said that he was displeased that they let Greg build a school for them, and Mahdi said that they had to give him twelve of their best rams as a bribe, the rams that the people gave Haji Mahdi were their pets, food, and their pride of the village. The village of Korphe did all of this just for the school.

  64. One sacrifice the people of Korphe had to do was that they waited patiently while Greg had to get supplies for the bridge. They also gave up their 12 best Rams to Haji Medhi so they could build the school. The people of Korphe also carried 90 pound chunks of rock so the stonecutter could use it to make brick for the school.

  65. I think there was 2 sacrifice's giving the 12 goats up and getting up early to cary the heavy wire.

  66. One of the sacrifices they made was they had to wait till Greg raised enough money to get the supplies for the school. When Greg went back ready to build the school, they decided they needed a bridge for Korphe before the school, so they had to wait for Greg to raise more money to get cable and wood to construct the bridge. The last sacrifice they made was when Haji Medhi said they couldn’t build the school unless they gave him 12 of their best rams. In Pakistan to get what you wanted, you would probably have to give away something. These rams are really important to the people in Pakistan also.

  67. Some of the sacrifices made by the people of korphe are that they gave up 12 of their biggest rams to Haji Mehdi. The people of korphe are not that wealthy so when they gave them up they were giving up food for like a month as well.

  68. I agree with angel on this one. They had to wait a long period of time for Greg to get all those supplies and even the money to build this bridge and the schools.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. some of the sacrifices the people of Korphe made in order to build this school were that they had to give away 12 of their biggest rams to Haji Mehdi .That 11 years olds have been razing and feeding. They had to give him the rams or they could not build the school. They had to make more money to build a bridge even know they had just raised and spent the money for the school. They also had to carry all the wire and wood to build the bridge to Korphe because they had a rock slide and the road would be covered for days. The people of Korphe also carried 90 pound chunks of rock so the stonecutter could use it to make brick for the school.

  71. They had to wait a long period of time for Greg to get all of those supplies and alot of money to build the bridge. In order to build the school were that they had to give away 12 of their biggest rams to Haji Mehdi That children have been raising and feeding. They also had to carry all the wire and wood to build the bridge to Korphe because they had a rock slide and the road would be covered for days.

  72. The people of Korphe made different sacrifices to build a school. One of the sacrifices was that, Haji Ali gave up 12 of the village's largest rams to Haji Mehdi. Also they had to carry pounds of rocks to where the school was being built early in the morning so they could begin work.

  73. i agree with taylor becuse they did have to give up there time waiting and cut there own stones for the school. they also did have to give 12 rams to haji mehdi. this was a big giveaway because rams are very important to there culture.

  74. they sacrificed sleep, strength and 12 rames to a warlord so they could builed the school.

  75. They gave up twelve of their best rams; rams are very special to them because they are used for many things for Korphe and the kids that looked after them thought of the rams as pets. They put in a lot of hard work, like when Greg Mortenson was stuck by a rock slide and he could not get the supplies for the school back to Korphe, so the people of Korphe came to him to help get the supplies back to start building the school. They also lost so much sleep because they would stay up all night to help and satisfy Greg in building the school.

  76. Some of the sacrifices people made for this is that they gave away twelve of the best rams in the village. In order to build the school, the people of Korohe gave 12 of their best rams to Haji Mehdi a very mean person. They also carried 90 pound blocks of cement so that they could get it to Korohe because of a landslide.

  77. For the school to be built, People of Korphe gave 12 of their best rams to Haji Mehdi, also they carried supplies over a landslide to Korphe. They carried 90 pound cement blocks on their backs and gave up their time to work on the school instead of their crops. They sacrificed alot for the school, including some meals.

  78. The people in the village of Korphe had to sacrafice a lot for the school to have been built. They had to sacrafice their village's 12 best rams. This also meant that they just sacrificed food for their families. They also had to sacrafice time from farming to go and work on the school.

  79. The people of Korphe had to make many sacfrifices in order to make building of the school possible. The biggest sacrifice they made was when they gave up 12 of their villages rams in order to make sure the school could keep being built.The rams are ain IMPORTANT part of their lives, because they provide most of the meat for their village.

  80. they sacraficed their 12 largest and boldest rams. haji Ali simply said ramms will die for food but a school will last for ever. then he chUckeled

  81. I agree with Sarah and Noah. Some of the sacrifices people made for this is that they gave away twelve of the best rams in the village. This was a sacrifice because the people of Korphe think of rams as a pet. They also lost some sleep on the night that they went to the street where Greg had been stopped because of a rockslide. They also gave up a lot of time and effort to build this school. First they had to carry all of the supplies to Korphe, from jeeps because of rockslides. The People of Korphe also had to give 12 of their best rams to a man named Haji Mehdi, who is the chief of Askole, as sacrafices.

  82. I agree with mostly everyone. One of the main sacrifices that the people of Korphe had been giving up twelve of their prize Rams, which were very important to them. Another sacrifice they had was that the people of Korphe helped Greg carry ninety pounds of rock for many miles to get the supplies to build their school.

  83. One big sacrifice that the people of korphe made was giving up 12 of their most prized rams. Also they pitched in all of their time to help Greg build the bridge, carry supplies from the bridge to the school, and help make the school. So I think the Balti people made many sacrifices to help with the school
