Does "tolerance" mean that a person can't believe something to be true, even if it necessitates an understanding that a different belief is false? For example:
- Christians believe that salvation, or the way to God, is through Jesus. Muslims do not believe in original sin, so they don't believe Jesus needed to suffer, die on the cross, and rise again.
- Islam holds that Muhammed is Allah's (God's) messenger. They view the Koran as the word of God, while Christians believe the Bible is God's word.
What is tolerance? How did Nancy and Miriam both demonstrate tolerance?
Tolerance can mean that a person can’t believe something is true because of their beliefs. Their beliefs allow them to do or not do certain things. But also tolerance can mean that someone of one belief can put up with being near someone who believes in something else. Christians belief was that the bible means god’s word but she wanted to learn about another families beliefs so she “tolerated” them even though she enjoyed making a new friend.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think tolerance is believing in what they believe in but “putting up with it per say” understanding it and being willing to learn about it. Tolerance isn’t always with religion to it can be with anything, everywhere you go you are going to meat people with different points of views and takes on things and you will have to tolerate it whether you like it or not. I think Nancy and Miriam both demonstrated tolerance bye wanting to just be friends and hang out even though there cultures and backgrounds were completely different. I think Nancy was tolerant by wearing the head covering the whole time and covering and praying with them. I also think Miriam and her family were very tolerant in letting Nancy ask them questions and letting her show Miriam’s family how she prayed. Also Miriam’s friends weren’t offended by Nancy wearing what they were and doing what they do even though she wasn’t Muslim.
Tolerance is when you can't believe something, maybe because of your believes. Maybe tolerance means something totally different, maybe it means that even though you believe in one religion and someone else believes in another you can still tolerate them, be around them and still support them and act in a well behaved manor.
ReplyDeletethey both tolerated that one was catholic and the other was muslim and that they were trying to walk in the others shoes.
ReplyDeletei agree with anna. I don’t think tolerance is believing in what they believe in but “putting up with it per say” understanding it and being willing to learn about it. Tolerance isn’t always with religion to it can be with anything, everywhere you go you are going to meat people with different points of views and takes on things and you will have to tolerate it whether you like it or not. I think Nancy and Miriam both demonstrated tolerance bye wanting to just be friends and hang out even though there cultures and backgrounds were completely different. I think Nancy was tolerant by wearing the head covering the whole time and covering and praying with them. I also think Miriam and her family were very tolerant in letting Nancy ask them questions and letting her show Miriam’s family how she prayed. Also Miriam’s friends weren’t offended by Nancy wearing what they were and doing what they do even though she wasn’t Muslim.
ReplyDeleteTolerance is waiting or being patient. They because nice friends and they shared what they‘re dislikes and likes were to each other. They did different things together like going shopping at the mall and then praying in the empty room. Nancy had tolerance because she had to learn a new way how people live. Miriam learned that they have a lot of things in common. Nancy had to learn how to wear a head dress because it was part of Miriam’s religion.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anna both girls demonstrated tolerance. Nancy took the ways of Mariam and her family. Mariam and her family was tolerant by letting Nancy ask questions and bring her family over for dinner.
ReplyDeleteTolerance doesn’t mean you can’t believe in something to me, it means just the opposite. Tolerance means you can put up with something different and do. To me tolerance is being able to put up with something for a long time and in a nice way. Tolerance is like someone going somewhere where they didn’t know anyone, didn’t like the food, was uncomfortable with the weather and putting on a smile and dealing with it. Another example of tolerance is when even though someone may feel uncomfortable in a situation, they put up with just to prove themselves.
ReplyDeleteNancy and Miriam both showed tolerance in the movie, A Walk in Your Shoes. Nancy really did because even though it was hard for her to fast and go for the whole day without eating, she did it anyway just to prove to people that not all Muslims are bad. She also was very scared to go into the Muslim school. She was very scared and could have backed out right then, before she gave it a chance, but she didn’t; she tolerated it. Miriam and her family showed tolerance because they welcomed Nancy and allowed her in their home. Not all people would do that. They tolerated her.
I agree with Anna. Tolerance can do with anything, it is not secluded to just religion. If you go anywhere in the world, or just down town, the people that surround you all have different beliefs, and opionions. I think that Nancy and Miriam demonstated tolerance by trying to understand another's way of life. Each girl tried to be a part of the other's religious believe, not just to experience it, but to understand another's customs. Nancy went the whole way; she was educated, dressed, and behaved as Muslims. Miriam and her friends were tolerant to Nancy, because she had many questions for them, and she mainly asked them if they followed some American normalities.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Theresa that tolerance can mean that a person can’t believe something is true because of their beliefs. People can have their own beliefs. There are a lot of people who have different religious beliefs. People support their beliefs by having an opinion. I think Nancy was very tolerant in that she wore the traditional head dress that the girls had to wear a t school. Also that she fasted with the family she was with. I also thought it was very tolerant that she prayed with them especially when they prayed in the mall. I also thought that Miriam’s family was tolerant of her asking them questions about the September 11th attack.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Anna. Tolerance has to do with everything, not just religion. People all around yourself, a friend, stranger, family, they might have different beliefs than what you have along with different opinions. I think that Nancy and Miriam demonstrated tolerance by not just believing in their own religion and beliefs, but also by trying to understnd the other girl's way of life. Each tried to live the other person's customs and traditions. Nancy, as Erica said, was edjucated, dressed, and acted as a Muslim.
ReplyDeleteAs Shelby said "Tolerance is when you can't believe something" or it could mean something totally different. Just because you are a different religion doesn't mean that you can't believe in something other than what your relgions beliefs, or in general just other peoples opinions. Just because it's your way doesn't make it right.
ReplyDeleteI think that Nancy and Miriam both demonstrate tolerance by learning and experiencing each others way of life, religion, and beliefs.
ReplyDeleteTolerance isn’t always with religion to it can be with anything, everywhere you go you are going to meat people with different points of views and takes on things and you will have to tolerate it whether you like it or not.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Erica. Tolerance can be used in many different ways not just in religion. You could go anywhere in the world or even go to your next doors neighbors house they will possibly have a different opinion. I think that Nancy and Miriam demonstrated tolerance by trying to understand another's way of life. Each girl tried not to just experience it but believe in it. And I believe that was very generous of them to change their life style for the couple of days.
ReplyDeleteTolerance, to me, means to be patient and accept things that you may not like. Tolerance can be about anything, not just religion, but at work, or school, or when your little brother or sister is annoying you. Tolerance is a good thing to have, because it makes things easier when you just accept it.
ReplyDeleteTolerance means you are able to stand somethin and are able to deal with something you usually wouldnt.
ReplyDeleteUh, I would have to agree with Brooke, many people change over time. I think Nancy and Miriam both showed tolerance because they didn’t really care much about what people thought of them.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think tolerance means that a person can’t believe in something to be true, I think it means that a person has to have it in order to respect other persons’ beliefs. Tolerance is just that: the ability to cope with another person having different thoughts, religion, nationality, or race. Nancy showed tolerance because when she went to the Muslim school she prayed with them, even though earlier in the day she didn’t know if she should. Also, Miriam showed tolerance toward Nancy by showing her how to do everything, and not get mad or frustrated even once. Even with all of the questions she asked and the camera crew, Miriam was very nice towards everybody and so was her family.
ReplyDeletetolerence is where u accept someone for who they are and you don't judge them on their beliefs or way of life. nacy and miriam both tolerated each others beliefs. when nacy was asking questions about miriam's culture miriam didn't judge nancy if she didn't understand something. and nancy didn't judge miriam if miriam did something that was different from her beliefs and culture.
ReplyDeleteTolerance is the capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others. I agree with Theresa, that Christian’s belief was that the bible means god’s word but she wanted to learn about other families beliefs so she “tolerated” them even though she enjoyed making a new friend. Also that she wanted to know how life was for Muslims and if they were as bad as people say they are.
ReplyDeleteI think that tolerance is when you can do some thing that you dont want to do. Nancy tolerated Mirian and her family being different from hers and that she is Christien and Mirian is Muslim.
ReplyDeleteTolerance to me means to be patient and accept people for who they are. know matter what there religin is or were they are from.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Conner h tolerance is not what you pray for but what you believe in
ReplyDeleteTolerance is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry. Both Nancy and Miriam showed tolerance along with both of their families. For example, Nancy stayed with Miriam and her family for two days to see what it was like to live as a Muslim. She followed their rules by praying when and how they did, eating the way they did, wearing the type of clothing they did, and going to the school they did. But Miriam and her family also tried out the way Nancy lived when Nancy’s parents came over for dinner. Instead of doing the prayers the way the Muslims do, they said grace the way Nancy’s family does. This shows a lot of tolerance for both Nancy’s family and Miriam’s family.
ReplyDeleteTolerance is trying to stand or deal with something or someone you usually wouldn't associate with. Nancy and Miriam had to have tolerance for each other. Neither knew what the other's life was like. Miriam had to have tolerance with Nancy because Nanct didn't know anything about the Muslim culture.
ReplyDeleteI believe tolerance is something that you have to deal with no matter what. Nancy in the movie had to tolerate being a Muslim for awhile by doing many things related to their culture. First she had to dress in loose clothing and wear a head scarf in public since it was considered disrespectful to show your hair to anyone else but your family. Also she had to fast even though she was very hungry. Another thing she needed to do was pray five times a day. Lastly she had to wake up before the sun rose to eat. Miriam had to tolerate Nancy practicing their culture for a day. Another thing Miriam had to tolerate was wearing her head scarf all day because of the camera men being around her filming when she was in her house.
ReplyDeleteI agree with brook that Tolerance means you are able to stand somethin and are able to deal with somethin