The children are leading up to better lives after going to school because they are becoming head’s of there village getting offered jobs in the gov. and like water it will help you live a happier life.
Well, Coal, as far as education being like water in the fact that it brings you happiness I disagree. However, as far as stating that education itself brings you happiness I would agree with that sentiment. But, as far as my understanding of the matter, I would guess that it is "Important for life," as is water. I base this comment on what Jahan, Twaha's daughter said about education.
2) Education and water are alike because children don't get very educated and they also don't have a big supply of water. Education and water are also both things a person needs to survive. To be educated could mean knowing how to survive, or knowing what one plus one is. A person has to have water to survive, and has to be educated on survival skills to live.
I agree with Emilee them don’t very well have either one of those things’ suppose that water could bring happiness. For an example they would be happy to have clean water to bathe in, to drink, and clean with instead of hiking a couple of miles to get clean water plus what if you get in to a accident or something. What if you didn’t have clean water to take a shower in the morning for school or for the whole school year you would smell pretty bad.
1. the lives of the students that are currently attending these new schools built by the CAI, have benefited greatly. they are, as coal said, becoming leaders of the communities.
2. i agree with jacob on this question. education is as important to life as is education. education brings you the needed knowledge to get through life and water gives you the needed nutrients and energy to survive life.
I agree with Emilee. Education is very much like water because they don't get much of either but they need it. Also they help you through life, and if you don't have knowledge or water you won't live very well.
Education is similar to water because both, help survive and progress in life. Education is very important because it is partially the key to success. The other part of the key is belief, standing up for ones self, and the ability to not only choose to work hard, but actually do it. Water is important for life because it gives some nutrients and a huge portion of the human body is made up of water, and all humans would die from dehidration without it.
The evidence that is revealed that demonstrates that the schools are improving the lives of the students who attend them is Jahan, Twaha’s daughter and Haji Ali’s granddaughter came to Greg Mortensen asking him for twenty thousand rupees so she could start medical training. Greg gave her the money because he promised that back when the school was built that if they studied hard, that he would help them reach whatever goals they set for themselves. He also was proud that Jahan stood up for herself when she needed the money and he hoped that that all the girls at the CAI would learn that lesson. Jahan said that education is like water because it is just as important in our lives as water is. We couldn’t have a life if we didn’t have water. Just like education, we need the education to get jobs to earn the money that helps us live to get food we need.
1) I agree with Courtney. The lives of many are being greatly affected on the CAI's work about building schools, and then students attending them. One way you can tell is that when Mortenson visited Korphe in 2002, he was having a discussion with the men of the village and here comes Jahan, who was the valley's first edjucated woman, who breaks a bunch of traditions at once by going into the room, sitting down with the men, and interupting them. She demanded money so she could go to a high school and she spoke up for herself which was very different from when Mortenson started building the schools. 2) I agree with Jacob, too, on this question. Edjucation is essential for life to go on, just like water is needed to survive. This was stated in the book when Jahan was telling Mortenson, "But now I think it is like water. It is important for everything in life."
I believe education is like water because everyone should have it. It helps the country grow the more you know about the world."It is important for life", I believe is how it is sated in the book. I also feel education is helping the town and village by making it grow.
You can tell the childrens lives are improving. Haji Ali's daughter is the first educated women in Korphe, and she also becoming a doctor. She is also learning to sand up for herself which was one of the things Greg was hoping girls in the Muslim world would learn to do.
Education is like water because without it a society cannot grow and prosper, let alone live.
Education is important as is water to a community. It is pure and provides intellegence to those that have yet to learn of things in the natural world. Education is vital is as water. Beyond that Jahan, because of the school in Korphe, is the first educated women in the Braldu valley. She is to become a doctor. That proves alone that education is very important to women and in that, a community. Education is important to everybody.
Women have never gone to school before Greg started helping the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The people in these areas can now get vital education to get jobs to help support their family (like Jahan). Money in the United States is harder to come by these days. I’m sure some people are really suffering during this time of economic depression. Many people are losing their jobs because the business owners can’t support many employees. Without money it is hard to set a standard to live by because you are just making ends meet. The people of Pakistan and Afghanistan have lived this way for centuries, but they can now start a circle of wealth by getting jobs and hiring people through the value of education. Now that the kids can get a decent education they are able to provide money for their villages. In the book it says education is “important for everything in life” so it means education is a vital resource to humanity because it is a never-ending source. ~*Mikhail*~
1) Schools ARE improving lives in Pakistan. This is proven with Jahan. She stated that people look at her and see a fashionable lady. Before she got an education, Jahan was expected to become a wife and nothing more. Now she realizes that education is very important and everyone should get the chance to recieve an education. Jahan was able to walk into a room full of men and talk to Greg. Before, this would not have been allowed. Jahan is now looked upon as a educated woman. Schooling is very much changing lives in Pakistan.
2) Education is like water because without it, people wouldn't be able to get jobs and support their families. I mean, they could, but it would be very difficult. Most jobs are given to those who went to school until at least 12th grade. The best jobs are given to those who went to school until after 4 years of college. Education is very important to be able to survive and make a good living.
Education is like water because people and mostly the girls are not getting very good education and they don’t get very good supply of water either. water is important is because the water helps heal wounds , keeps you form dehydrating , helps you live, you need it to cook with and do dishes. Education is important because you need to be educated about what is happening around you and if you do not get educated how do people in like Korphe how are sup post to get doctors and get good jobs if they don’t have teachers and get an education.
The schools are improving students lives like the Jahan who stood up to demand for money to become a doctor, during a men meeting.She wanted to go to a college and want to start her own women hospital. The children will soon acomplish thier goals. Problems be solve without violence. Education is the key to stop violence. Like somone said "Things can't be solve with bombs, but with books."
1)The schools are making the children smarter. The children are going to become leaders of their village and they need education to learn how to run their villages.
2) Education is like water because you need water to live and you need education too but not so much to live. Also education is a key to knowing how to do stuff better. Most of the things in life you need education to do like jobs. Most of the jobs in your life you need an education for.
after the children graduate from school they had become more successful. one girl told Greg that he had made a promise to her. that when she graduated...he would help he r iin her studies to become a proffesinal doctor and start her own hospital. greg had also said he would shake every students hand , and ask every child what they want to be in the future. he said that if she studied hard, he would help her reach whatever goals they had set for themselves. this girl's name was Jahan.. she was the daughter of Twaha. "my dream was to be a doctor one day, and you said you would help." she continued. "well..that day is here. you must keep your promise to ready to begin my medical training, and i need twenty thousand rupees." she needed this money to attend to the collage she wanted to go to. this girl was the first educated women in a valley of 600 people to graduate. this provides a way for the children to make a future for themselves such as Jahan. so they can grow up and be successful.
(1. In the Middle East, women and young girls do not recive an education. If anyone is to go to school it is the boys, and even the amount of boys that attend school is very low. Most do not graduate for school, or grow up to be what they desire. After the help from Greg Mortenson, all children were allowed an education, and gender was not an issue. Now educated children and young adults can supply and support their future families with necessities for life. If more of these Afghan, and Pakistani children are educated, and have a purpose to be on earth, than less of them will make the decision to become part of the Taliban. (2. Education is like water because if there is no water, there is no life. Water is almost as important as education because it is needed in everyone, every place, and every time. Water is a source that is extremely important to the world, and so is education.
Education is like water because you need both to survive. In order to get water, you have to learn and know how to get it. Of may seem simple for us but it a task for those of Korphe. Also you need water and education to live.
P.S. Sorry for the spelling errors I am on my cellphone.
1) The evidence that the schools have improved the lives of the students is Jahan walked into a meeting filled with men and demanded money to go to medical school. She learned how to stand up for herself and what she wanted. Also, because these children are getting an education, they are able to help their villages and the people of their village live better lives.
2) Education is like water because both education and water are neccessities of life. Also, they are both important to the world. If there was no water, humans would be dead. If there was no education, the world and the people living on it wouldn't be as industralized and civilized as they are today.
1)The schools in Pakistan are improving the lives of the students greatly. The students of these schools have greater opportunities for their future than before. Greg Mortenson is right when he says we shouldn't fight a war with bombs, but with books. If the students have an education, they might not end turning to terrorist groups in their future. Girls weren't given an opportunity to get an education until Greg Mortenson created the Central Asia Institute(CAI). Through the CAI Jahan was able to go to medical school to become a doctor. 2)Education and water important in our lives. We need both water and education to help us live. We need water for energy and to stay hydrated. We need education to learn more and to develope off of what we already know. Education and water is needed for everyone in the world everyday.
Education is like water becasue at times it can be scarce yet it is still needed. Scarce because clean water is something they had to travel far to get for drinking, cooking with, and doing dishes. Education is scarce because there weren't a lot of schools, especially for girls, or they were more needed at home resulting in noy going to school or getting an education. It's needed because you need water to live and carry out daily activities.Without you couldn't bathe, wash dishes, and you didn't have any to cook with. Education is needed because it's important to have knowledge to help yourself and others.
1) The schools that have been built in Pakistan definitely have improved the lives of children who attend them. Jahan said that she was ashamed of herself if she would see a man or woman who was dressed nicely. After attending school though, she is more confident and sure of herself. She knows that she wants to be a doctor and insists that she won't get married until her studies are finished. I believe that Haji Ali would have been very proud of his granddaughter, because he wanted the children in his village to be able to read and write, as he could not.
Jahan, a teenage girl there was there first educated woman and she hopes to become a doctor. Education is like water because even though they are both such simple things without them we wouldn’t get anywhere .Although Education is actually completely different then water in some ways education wont run out if you teach it to this generation every one after will feel and live its benefits, water is just an object you drink it and it’s gone I mean it may help you for a day but then you need more and more.
1) The schools are definitely improving the lives in Pakistan. It is living proof through Jahan. She would not be the woman she is if not for education. She would never have the opportunity to be. Before she went to school she was ashamed of herself because she was not presentable compared to the woman who where educated and had nice clothes and were cleaner. Now that she has an education she feels clean and pretty. She also feels more important and needed in society. Jahan is a good example/role model for girls in Pakistan who want the same thing for themselves. As Greg said in the book, if Pakistani children get a good education they won't think to not like counties such as America. They will also be able to make a better government for themselves.
2) Education is, in many ways, like water. Especially in Pakistan. Education is like water because we need it to survive. In Pakistan they don't always have clean water. They also don't always have education. Water is so good for you in that after you are working hard, you take a sip of water and then you feel a lot better. I think it effects you the same with education. It is worth it to work hard in school because in the end you feel better about yourself. Just like Jahan did.
The lives of the children are improving from the educstion given to them. Most children who go to school become very successful and are leaders in their communities. Education is like water because the children need it to survive and become successful.
1)I agree with Olivia. Schools are improving in Pakistan as Jahan said. Most girls are supposed to become a wife when they get older and stop school at an early age. Now that educuation is improving, girls go to school longer and some even get scholarships to better places. Jahan was also allowed to talk to a room full of men which before she was not allowed to do unless they were family.
Evidence that prove that schools in pakistan are improving is shown by Jahan, Twaha's daughter. She reminded Greg Mortenson'promise to the children in Korphe. He said that if the kids studied hard he would help them pursue their career
2.) I think education is like water because the children don’t get that good as an education as they should, and they also don’t get as much water as they need. I also believe that water and education are two things that most people need to survive. You actually need water to “survive”, and education to “succeed”. I also agree with Melissa, they would be thrilled to have clean water to drink, and clean water to bathe with.
The schools are improving the lives of children because now most of the girls can have an education. The boys and girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan attend these schools. The stones that the group in Afghanistan used were stones of people who died. Now the stones will be part of the school and the people who died will always be there. Education is like water because everyone needs it sometime in their lives. Education is the main reason why kids go to school. They want to grow up to be someone in their village.
Evidence that has been revealed to show how successful they are becoming is Jahan becoming the first educated woman. Also the educated people becoming heads of their villages show that maybe a better village will emerge and rub off onto to others. Another example would be of when Jahan stood up for herself which is something you can’t do. It would be another example because it shows that girls are learning that they are not being treated fair and wish to be. Education is like water because you really can’t live without it. Education is important for life because when you have been educated you can teach someone else and then that someone will teach another person and it would just keep continuing. Also if the water is dirty it affects everyone which ties in with education because if the education is not good it will end up affecting everyone.
I believe that kids going to school is a great thing and that they are getting a greater education. They are becoming more intelligent and twah's daughter Jahan wants to build a medical clinic to help the sick and wounded. 2. Education is like water in many ways. The more education you get the more your brain grows and functions better.Also with education and water if you didn't get any you wouldn't have a chance to experience many different things that life has to offer.
2. Education is like water because everyone needs it. Without education, we wouldn’t be able to know how to work things like a remote or a microwave. But education also links us to other countries too. With the education Americans are given, they know more about their countries past and they know what’s going on in the world. Education is like survival also, as Emilee said. You need to learn how to use a hunting knife before you use it, or you need to know where to get water if you need it.
I agree with Jamie. Schools are improving in Afghanistan and Pakistan because Jahan is becoming the first educated women. Also with the education that they are going to receive that means maybe hope for a more structured village. Education is like water because without water you won't live, and it's like saying without education you really can't live either. I agree with Jamie again, because when you know something or learn something new, you can share that with someone else and teach them, then they'll teach someone else.
1.It is important that kids go to school because they need to reach a goal, and have something big in their lives. 2. Education is like water because it is very important to alot of kids who want to accomplish something in their lives.
1. Evidence that these schools are improving lives and paying off is proven by Jahan Ali who is the 1st of many more to come educated women from Korphe. Jahan is also a good example because she learned how to stand up for herself which is not taught in schools but learned in life.
2. Education is like water because it’s a necessitate to the Pakastan people. Which means that like water education is also needed to be successful.
1) We know that these schools are improving the lives of the children who attend them because all these children want to learn and know that if they are educated it will open their eyed more to what is out there.
2) Education is like water because everyone needs it or (should have it) and even when you want it the most you might still not be able to have it, so it forces people to do strange things just because they don't have it.
1. I agree with Erin when she talks about Jahan and how she asked for the twenty thousand rupees to attend medical school. The school not only taught Jahan lessons and simple tasks such as reading and writing but to stand up for herself. She was taught to not let anyone run her life but herself. She was very courageous to ask for the money and persist until she got it. Most of us today would not be able to do what she did and show the amount of character she did. This definitely shows how the schools have changed the people and society. Good Job Erin. 2. Education is like water because without either chaos comes about. Education is not always thought of as a privilege to the children of the United States especially girls. When the first school opened in Korphe there was a huge celebration and everybody was very grateful. I don't know about anyone else but I have never really been happy to get up early, ride the bus, and go to school for 8 hours. These children were so enthusiastic to have a school and a place to study it was crazy. These children needed education to thrive and live outside of their village just like they needed water to live.
Evidence that shows that education is improving the lifes of children who attend schools that Greg built, is that children are standing up for them selfs and showing the their great talents. Eduaction is like water, because it something that that we need to surivive. If you don't have an education you can't get a job to support or family.
The first question asks if there is evidence that the schools are improving lives for children. I think that schools are improving the lives of children because if the children didn't have an education they wouldn't be as bold as Jahan, in particular, women and girls. Also how most of the children want to go on and get more education.
For the second question, I would have to say that water is important because water is essential for life to exist and as well as an education.
You can tell the childrens lives are improving. Haji Ali's daughter is the first educated women in Korphe, and she also becoming a doctor. She is also learning to sand up for herself which was one of the things Greg was hoping girls in the Muslim world would learn to do.
Education is like water because without it a society cannot grow and prosper, let alone live.
Evidence that shows that education is improving the lifes of children who attend schools that Greg built, is that children are standing up for them selfs and showing the their great talents.Educationis something you need to survive if you dont get a good education you wount get a good job and wount have enough money tofeed your family and put a roof over their heads
Education is like water because you need water for life. You have to work very hard for water and education. Look how hard Greg worked for education for the Korphe kids and their school. I agree with Sara because you need or should have botheof them. That it makes people do strange things to get them.
Greg gave her the money because he promised that back when the school was built that if they studied hard, that he would help them reach whatever goals they set for themselves.
water is like education because it is the source in which to live on. another way it could be like water is that it is a "replenishing" thing, like education, it replenishes your brain. schools are improving the lives because Jahan, the teenage girl, is the first educated woman. i agree with jacob.
(1) Almost everyone who gets an education will have their life improve drastically. The people who are getting affected more for the better were the girls. Twahas daughter Jahan was always ashamed of herself before she got an education, but now she is proud of herself and her culture. She understands how important it is to get an education. Jahan is now going to college and her life has improved greatly. Having a school for the children, and ensuring that they get an education, is essential to helping our side on the wart of terror. With an education, and a will you can do anything; at least so the people of Korphe have discovered.
The book sais that "EDUCATION IS LIKE WATER", because water is needed for life to exist. Education emproves the life of people because they are able to reason for themselves.
Schools improve the lives of pretty much everyone who attends school. It prepares you for the world gradually, because when you are younger, they will always say its ok, try again whenever you make a mistake, but as you get older, and they are getting you ready for the real world, you don't always get that second chance when you ake a mistake. Schools teach you everything you need to know and how to be prepared for the world around you and how to better undertand it and do better in it, and take care of yourself. Without education, you won't do well in the world and get a good job and be able to provide for your family. School is very important because it prepares you.
(1) The evidence revealed about the students that Greg builds improve the lives of the students who attend them because now with a better education they can help out in the future and actually know what to do and help avoid war. (2) Education is like water because everyone needs it to survive.
Education is like water because it is the key ingredient to survive. Also with education the kids from Pakistan can get better paying jobs and help to support there villages.
1. The evidence is that the schools are helping improve the education and lives of the children is that they have learned more than they would have learned before. With this education they can get better jobs. 2.Education is like water because we need water to live, we need an education if we want to succeed in the world.
1) Some evidence that was revealed in the story that shows that Mortenson's schools are helping people was when Mortenson went back to Korphe and Jahan, the first educated girl in their village, asked Greg for money so that she could go to college. So more people are being able to go to school and get Great jobs because of Mortenson's schools. 2) Education is like water because people need both to survive and get good jobs that they can live off.
Water and education are similar in order to live and feel good you need both water and education. You need water to live right. If you don’t have education you will join the Talban just to get food, money.
The schools that have been being built by the CAI for the childeren in Afghanistan and Pakistan dont just improve the life of the students, they improve the life of all of the people living in the areas because people are being educated and that leads to better advances in technology for the people and better all around education.
The schools are improving the lives of the students that attend them because they are benefiting a lot. As coal said, they are becoming the leaders of their community. Education is like water because you need education to get through life and be happy. Education is also like water because the more you learn the stronger you will be.
1. Since the students stated to receive their education, their lives improved. When Greg first arrived in Korphe, the had no education, little food and they didn't even have a village doctor. Since Greg started building schools and bridges in Korphe, lives have improved. There is easier transportation now from the bridges so they can cross dangerous waters also they have quicker and easier ways to hunt, instead of taking the dangerous box hanging from a wire hundreds of feet above and across the river they now take the bridge. Also since the schools have been built many lives have improved as well. For example one of girls in the book was one of the first to graduate from High School, this makes the village proud and confident which makes may happy. Also some even went to college and even one girl went to medical school to become a doctor. Now I am sure that a lot more of the villages in Afghanistan have village doctors and I am sure they have helped save lives or prevented death or major illnesses.
Evidence is shown in many ways how education helps people all over the world. For example if the children of Korphe had a simple but good enough education, there is a very good chance that they could get out of poverty and get a job that pays well. A education is like water in this way, you need water to live, you may not need a education to live but you need it to get a job and have the natrual resoures that you would have if you had an education.
Education is similar to Water because you need it to survive. Water helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the same goes with education. Education helps everything also like water. If you go for a run and get very tired, you go home and have a drink of water and it helps you feel much better. But if you are illiterate and you learn how to read and write it also helps you feels better also.
1. The evidence that the education in Korphe was improving was that when Greg came back to visit the school, he saw more and more girls going to school, and the students that attended the schools that the CAI built were finally getting the education that they deserved to get their families out of poverty. 2. Education is like water because if you don't have education and water there is no way you could survive in the world.
Now that the children are able to read and write, they can later go off to school to obtain jobs, and could improve the life of the villagers by sending money. Also they could become elders for their village, if they choose to return.
Education, much like water is needed to survive. Much like the saying, “Give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, teach a man to fish feed him for a life time.” Even those who are not educated, have learned to survive in their surroundings, like how the people of Korphe have raised goats and not farmed
The children are leading up to better lives after going to school because they are becoming head’s of there village getting offered jobs in the gov. and like water it will help you live a happier life.
ReplyDeleteWell, Coal, as far as education being like water in the fact that it brings you happiness I disagree. However, as far as stating that education itself brings you happiness I would agree with that sentiment. But, as far as my understanding of the matter, I would guess that it is "Important for life," as is water. I base this comment on what Jahan, Twaha's daughter said about education.
2) Education and water are alike because children don't get very educated and they also don't have a big supply of water. Education and water are also both things a person needs to survive. To be educated could mean knowing how to survive, or knowing what one plus one is. A person has to have water to survive, and has to be educated on survival skills to live.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Emilee them don’t very well have either one of those things’ suppose that water could bring happiness. For an example they would be happy to have clean water to bathe in, to drink, and clean with instead of hiking a couple of miles to get clean water plus what if you get in to a accident or something. What if you didn’t have clean water to take a shower in the morning for school or for the whole school year you would smell pretty bad.
1. the lives of the students that are currently attending these new schools built by the CAI, have benefited greatly. they are, as coal said, becoming leaders of the communities.
ReplyDelete2. i agree with jacob on this question. education is as important to life as is education. education brings you the needed knowledge to get through life and water gives you the needed nutrients and energy to survive life.
emilee brings up a good point water and an education are both things that the kids dont have.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Emilee. Education is very much like water because they don't get much of either but they need it. Also they help you through life, and if you don't have knowledge or water you won't live very well.
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because it is vital to the life of the Pkastan people. They need it to be successful.
ReplyDeleteEducation is similar to water because both, help survive and progress in life. Education is very important because it is partially the key to success. The other part of the key is belief, standing up for ones self, and the ability to not only choose to work hard, but actually do it. Water is important for life because it gives some nutrients and a huge portion of the human body is made up of water, and all humans would die from dehidration without it.
ReplyDeleteThe evidence that is revealed that demonstrates that the schools are improving the lives of the students who attend them is Jahan, Twaha’s daughter and Haji Ali’s granddaughter came to Greg Mortensen asking him for twenty thousand rupees so she could start medical training. Greg gave her the money because he promised that back when the school was built that if they studied hard, that he would help them reach whatever goals they set for themselves. He also was proud that Jahan stood up for herself when she needed the money and he hoped that that all the girls at the CAI would learn that lesson. Jahan said that education is like water because it is just as important in our lives as water is. We couldn’t have a life if we didn’t have water. Just like education, we need the education to get jobs to earn the money that helps us live to get food we need.
ReplyDelete1) I agree with Courtney. The lives of many are being greatly affected on the CAI's work about building schools, and then students attending them. One way you can tell is that when Mortenson visited Korphe in 2002, he was having a discussion with the men of the village and here comes Jahan, who was the valley's first edjucated woman, who breaks a bunch of traditions at once by going into the room, sitting down with the men, and interupting them. She demanded money so she could go to a high school and she spoke up for herself which was very different from when Mortenson started building the schools.
ReplyDelete2) I agree with Jacob, too, on this question. Edjucation is essential for life to go on, just like water is needed to survive. This was stated in the book when Jahan was telling Mortenson, "But now I think it is like water. It is important for everything in life."
I believe education is like water because everyone should have it. It helps the country grow the more you know about the world."It is important for life", I believe is how it is sated in the book. I also feel education is helping the town and village by making it grow.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell the childrens lives are improving. Haji Ali's daughter is the first educated women in Korphe, and she also becoming a doctor. She is also learning to sand up for herself which was one of the things Greg was hoping girls in the Muslim world would learn to do.
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because without it a society cannot grow and prosper, let alone live.
Schools are like water Because you need education to make a living and you need water to live or something.
ReplyDeleteEducation is important as is water to a community. It is pure and provides intellegence to those that have yet to learn of things in the natural world. Education is vital is as water. Beyond that Jahan, because of the school in Korphe, is the first educated women in the Braldu valley. She is to become a doctor. That proves alone that education is very important to women and in that, a community. Education is important to everybody.
ReplyDeleteWomen have never gone to school before Greg started helping the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The people in these areas can now get vital education to get jobs to help support their family (like Jahan). Money in the United States is harder to come by these days. I’m sure some people are really suffering during this time of economic depression. Many people are losing their jobs because the business owners can’t support many employees. Without money it is hard to set a standard to live by because you are just making ends meet. The people of Pakistan and Afghanistan have lived this way for centuries, but they can now start a circle of wealth by getting jobs and hiring people through the value of education. Now that the kids can get a decent education they are able to provide money for their villages. In the book it says education is “important for everything in life” so it means education is a vital resource to humanity because it is a never-ending source. ~*Mikhail*~
ReplyDelete1) Schools ARE improving lives in Pakistan. This is proven with Jahan. She stated that people look at her and see a fashionable lady. Before she got an education, Jahan was expected to become a wife and nothing more. Now she realizes that education is very important and everyone should get the chance to recieve an education. Jahan was able to walk into a room full of men and talk to Greg. Before, this would not have been allowed. Jahan is now looked upon as a educated woman. Schooling is very much changing lives in Pakistan.
ReplyDelete2) Education is like water because without it, people wouldn't be able to get jobs and support their families. I mean, they could, but it would be very difficult. Most jobs are given to those who went to school until at least 12th grade. The best jobs are given to those who went to school until after 4 years of college. Education is very important to be able to survive and make a good living.
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because people and mostly the girls are not getting very good education and they don’t get very good supply of water either. water is important is because the water helps heal wounds , keeps you form dehydrating , helps you live, you need it to cook with and do dishes. Education is important because you need to be educated about what is happening around you and if you do not get educated how do people in like Korphe how are sup post to get doctors and get good jobs if they don’t have teachers and get an education.
ReplyDeleteThe schools are improving students lives like the Jahan who stood up to demand for money to become a doctor, during a men meeting.She wanted to go to a college and want to start her own women hospital. The children will soon acomplish thier goals. Problems be solve without violence. Education is the key to stop violence. Like somone said "Things can't be solve with bombs, but with books."
ReplyDelete1)The schools are making the children smarter. The children are going to become leaders of their village and they need education to learn how to run their villages.
ReplyDelete2) Education is like water because you need water to live and you need education too but not so much to live. Also education is a key to knowing how to do stuff better. Most of the things in life you need education to do like jobs. Most of the jobs in your life you need an education for.
after the children graduate from school they had become more successful. one girl told Greg that he had made a promise to her. that when she graduated...he would help he r iin her studies to become a proffesinal doctor and start her own hospital. greg had also said he would shake every students hand , and ask every child what they want to be in the future. he said that if she studied hard, he would help her reach whatever goals they had set for themselves. this girl's name was Jahan.. she was the daughter of Twaha. "my dream was to be a doctor one day, and you said you would help." she continued. "well..that day is here. you must keep your promise to ready to begin my medical training, and i need twenty thousand rupees." she needed this money to attend to the collage she wanted to go to. this girl was the first educated women in a valley of 600 people to graduate. this provides a way for the children to make a future for themselves such as Jahan. so they can grow up and be successful.
ReplyDelete(1. In the Middle East, women and young girls do not recive an education. If anyone is to go to school it is the boys, and even the amount of boys that attend school is very low. Most do not graduate for school, or grow up to be what they desire. After the help from Greg Mortenson, all children were allowed an education, and gender was not an issue. Now educated children and young adults can supply and support their future families with necessities for life. If more of these Afghan, and Pakistani children are educated, and have a purpose to be on earth, than less of them will make the decision to become part of the Taliban.
ReplyDelete(2. Education is like water because if there is no water, there is no life. Water is almost as important as education because it is needed in everyone, every place, and every time. Water is a source that is extremely important to the world, and so is education.
Education is like water because you need both to survive. In order to get water, you have to learn and know how to get it. Of may seem simple for us but it a task for those of Korphe. Also you need water and education to live.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Sorry for the spelling errors I am on my cellphone.
1) The evidence that the schools have improved the lives of the students is Jahan walked into a meeting filled with men and demanded money to go to medical school. She learned how to stand up for herself and what she wanted. Also, because these children are getting an education, they are able to help their villages and the people of their village live better lives.
ReplyDelete2) Education is like water because both education and water are neccessities of life. Also, they are both important to the world. If there was no water, humans would be dead. If there was no education, the world and the people living on it wouldn't be as industralized and civilized as they are today.
1)The schools in Pakistan are improving the lives of the students greatly. The students of these schools have greater opportunities for their future than before. Greg Mortenson is right when he says we shouldn't fight a war with bombs, but with books. If the students have an education, they might not end turning to terrorist groups in their future. Girls weren't given an opportunity to get an education until Greg Mortenson created the Central Asia Institute(CAI). Through the CAI Jahan was able to go to medical school to become a doctor.
ReplyDelete2)Education and water important in our lives. We need both water and education to help us live. We need water for energy and to stay hydrated. We need education to learn more and to develope off of what we already know. Education and water is needed for everyone in the world everyday.
Education is like water becasue at times it can be scarce yet it is still needed. Scarce because clean water is something they had to travel far to get for drinking, cooking with, and doing dishes. Education is scarce because there weren't a lot of schools, especially for girls, or they were more needed at home resulting in noy going to school or getting an education. It's needed because you need water to live and carry out daily activities.Without you couldn't bathe, wash dishes, and you didn't have any to cook with. Education is needed because it's important to have knowledge to help yourself and others.
ReplyDelete1) The schools that have been built in Pakistan definitely have improved the lives of children who attend them. Jahan said that she was ashamed of herself if she would see a man or woman who was dressed nicely. After attending school though, she is more confident and sure of herself. She knows that she wants to be a doctor and insists that she won't get married until her studies are finished. I believe that Haji Ali would have been very proud of his granddaughter, because he wanted the children in his village to be able to read and write, as he could not.
ReplyDeleteJahan, a teenage girl there was there first educated woman and she hopes to become a doctor. Education is like water because even though they are both such simple things without them we wouldn’t get anywhere .Although Education is actually completely different then water in some ways education wont run out if you teach it to this generation every one after will feel and live its benefits, water is just an object you drink it and it’s gone I mean it may help you for a day but then you need more and more.
1) The schools are definitely improving the lives in Pakistan. It is living proof through Jahan. She would not be the woman she is if not for education. She would never have the opportunity to be. Before she went to school she was ashamed of herself because she was not presentable compared to the woman who where educated and had nice clothes and were cleaner. Now that she has an education she feels clean and pretty. She also feels more important and needed in society. Jahan is a good example/role model for girls in Pakistan who want the same thing for themselves. As Greg said in the book, if Pakistani children get a good education they won't think to not like counties such as America. They will also be able to make a better government for themselves.
ReplyDelete2) Education is, in many ways, like water. Especially in Pakistan. Education is like water because we need it to survive. In Pakistan they don't always have clean water. They also don't always have education. Water is so good for you in that after you are working hard, you take a sip of water and then you feel a lot better. I think it effects you the same with education. It is worth it to work hard in school because in the end you feel better about yourself. Just like Jahan did.
ReplyDeleteThe lives of the children are improving from the educstion given to them. Most children who go to school become very successful and are leaders in their communities.
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because the children need it to survive and become successful.
1)I agree with Olivia. Schools are improving in Pakistan as Jahan said. Most girls are supposed to become a wife when they get older and stop school at an early age. Now that educuation is improving, girls go to school longer and some even get scholarships to better places. Jahan was also allowed to talk to a room full of men which before she was not allowed to do unless they were family.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Thressa because i belive that water is important for everything in life. Just like education is important to everything in life.
ReplyDeleteEvidence that prove that schools in pakistan are improving is shown by Jahan, Twaha's daughter. She reminded Greg Mortenson'promise to the children in Korphe. He said that if the kids studied hard he would help them pursue their career
ReplyDelete2.) I think education is like water because the children don’t get that good as an education as they should, and they also don’t get as much water as they need. I also believe that water and education are two things that most people need to survive. You actually need water to “survive”, and education to “succeed”. I also agree with Melissa, they would be thrilled to have clean water to drink, and clean water to bathe with.
ReplyDeleteThe schools are improving the lives of children because now most of the girls can have an education. The boys and girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan attend these schools. The stones that the group in Afghanistan used were stones of people who died. Now the stones will be part of the school and the people who died will always be there.
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because everyone needs it sometime in their lives. Education is the main reason why kids go to school. They want to grow up to be someone in their village.
Evidence that has been revealed to show how successful they are becoming is Jahan becoming the first educated woman. Also the educated people becoming heads of their villages show that maybe a better village will emerge and rub off onto to others. Another example would be of when Jahan stood up for herself which is something you can’t do. It would be another example because it shows that girls are learning that they are not being treated fair and wish to be.
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because you really can’t live without it. Education is important for life because when you have been educated you can teach someone else and then that someone will teach another person and it would just keep continuing. Also if the water is dirty it affects everyone which ties in with education because if the education is not good it will end up affecting everyone.
I believe that kids going to school is a great thing and that they are getting a greater education. They are becoming more intelligent and twah's daughter Jahan wants to build a medical clinic to help the sick and wounded.
ReplyDelete2. Education is like water in many ways. The more education you get the more your brain grows and functions better.Also with education and water if you didn't get any you wouldn't have a chance to experience many different things that life has to offer.
2. Education is like water because everyone needs it. Without education, we wouldn’t be able to know how to work things like a remote or a microwave. But education also links us to other countries too. With the education Americans are given, they know more about their countries past and they know what’s going on in the world. Education is like survival also, as Emilee said. You need to learn how to use a hunting knife before you use it, or you need to know where to get water if you need it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jamie. Schools are improving in Afghanistan and Pakistan because Jahan is becoming the first educated women. Also with the education that they are going to receive that means maybe hope for a more structured village. Education is like water because without water you won't live, and it's like saying without education you really can't live either. I agree with Jamie again, because when you know something or learn something new, you can share that with someone else and teach them, then they'll teach someone else.
ReplyDelete1.It is important that kids go to school because they need to reach a goal, and have something big in their lives.
ReplyDelete2. Education is like water because it is very important to alot of kids who want to accomplish something in their lives.
Education is like water in many ways you need water to survive and you need education so you could get smarter and understand more.
ReplyDelete1. Evidence that these schools are improving lives and paying off is proven by Jahan Ali who is the 1st of many more to come educated women from Korphe. Jahan is also a good example because she learned how to stand up for herself which is not taught in schools but learned in life.
ReplyDelete2. Education is like water because it’s a necessitate to the Pakastan people. Which means that like water education is also needed to be successful.
1) We know that these schools are improving the lives of the children who attend them because all these children want to learn and know that if they are educated it will open their eyed more to what is out there.
ReplyDelete2) Education is like water because everyone needs it or (should have it) and even when you want it the most you might still not be able to have it, so it forces people to do strange things just because they don't have it.
2)education is like water because they are both very important to people. Also both are things they have to work very hard for and don't come easy.
ReplyDelete1. I agree with Erin when she talks about Jahan and how she asked for the twenty thousand rupees to attend medical school. The school not only taught Jahan lessons and simple tasks such as reading and writing but to stand up for herself. She was taught to not let anyone run her life but herself. She was very courageous to ask for the money and persist until she got it. Most of us today would not be able to do what she did and show the amount of character she did. This definitely shows how the schools have changed the people and society. Good Job Erin.
ReplyDelete2. Education is like water because without either chaos comes about. Education is not always thought of as a privilege to the children of the United States especially girls. When the first school opened in Korphe there was a huge celebration and everybody was very grateful. I don't know about anyone else but I have never really been happy to get up early, ride the bus, and go to school for 8 hours. These children were so enthusiastic to have a school and a place to study it was crazy. These children needed education to thrive and live outside of their village just like they needed water to live.
Evidence that shows that education is improving the lifes of children who attend schools that Greg built, is that children are standing up for them selfs and showing the their great talents. Eduaction is like water, because it something that that we need to surivive. If you don't have an education you can't get a job to support or family.
ReplyDeleteThe first question asks if there is evidence that the schools are improving lives for children. I think that schools are improving the lives of children because if the children didn't have an education they wouldn't be as bold as Jahan, in particular, women and girls. Also how most of the children want to go on and get more education.
ReplyDeleteFor the second question, I would have to say that water is important because water is essential for life to exist and as well as an education.
You can tell the childrens lives are improving. Haji Ali's daughter is the first educated women in Korphe, and she also becoming a doctor. She is also learning to sand up for herself which was one of the things Greg was hoping girls in the Muslim world would learn to do.
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because without it a society cannot grow and prosper, let alone live.
Evidence that shows that education is improving the lifes of children who attend schools that Greg built, is that children are standing up for them selfs and showing the their great talents.Educationis something you need to survive if you dont get a good education you wount get a good job and wount have enough money tofeed your family and put a roof over their heads
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because you need water for life. You have to work very hard for water and education. Look how hard Greg worked for education for the Korphe kids and their school. I agree with Sara because you need or should have botheof them. That it makes people do strange things to get them.
ReplyDelete2) Education and water are alike. Water is what you need to live and education is what you need to succeed.
ReplyDeleteGreg gave her the money because he promised that back when the school was built that if they studied hard, that he would help them reach whatever goals they set for themselves.
ReplyDeletewater is like education because it is the source in which to live on. another way it could be like water is that it is a "replenishing" thing, like education, it replenishes your brain. schools are improving the lives because Jahan, the teenage girl, is the first educated woman. i agree with jacob.
ReplyDelete(1) Almost everyone who gets an education will have their life improve drastically. The people who are getting affected more for the better were the girls. Twahas daughter Jahan was always ashamed of herself before she got an education, but now she is proud of herself and her culture. She understands how important it is to get an education. Jahan is now going to college and her life has improved greatly. Having a school for the children, and ensuring that they get an education, is essential to helping our side on the wart of terror. With an education, and a will you can do anything; at least so the people of Korphe have discovered.
ReplyDeleteThe book sais that "EDUCATION IS LIKE WATER", because water is needed for life to exist. Education emproves the life of people because they are able to reason for themselves.
ReplyDeleteSchools improve the lives of pretty much everyone who attends school. It prepares you for the world gradually, because when you are younger, they will always say its ok, try again whenever you make a mistake, but as you get older, and they are getting you ready for the real world, you don't always get that second chance when you ake a mistake. Schools teach you everything you need to know and how to be prepared for the world around you and how to better undertand it and do better in it, and take care of yourself. Without education, you won't do well in the world and get a good job and be able to provide for your family. School is very important because it prepares you.
ReplyDeleteStudents who are attending the schools that the CAI have built are finally getting the education they need to get their families out of poverty.
ReplyDeleteEducation is like water because it is very important to us. Without education we wouldn't have half of the stuff we have today.
(1) The evidence revealed about the students that Greg builds improve the lives of the students who attend them because now with a better education they can help out in the future and actually know what to do and help avoid war.
ReplyDelete(2) Education is like water because everyone needs it to survive.
Education is like water because it is the key ingredient to survive. Also with education the kids from Pakistan can get better paying jobs and help to support there villages.
ReplyDelete1. The evidence is that the schools are helping improve the education and lives of the children is that they have learned more than they would have learned before. With this education they can get better jobs.
ReplyDelete2.Education is like water because we need water to live, we need an education if we want to succeed in the world.
1) Some evidence that was revealed in the story that shows that Mortenson's schools are helping people was when Mortenson went back to Korphe and Jahan, the first educated girl in their village, asked Greg for money so that she could go to college. So more people are being able to go to school and get Great jobs because of Mortenson's schools.
ReplyDelete2) Education is like water because people need both to survive and get good jobs that they can live off.
Water and education are similar in order to live and feel good you need both water and education. You need water to live right. If you don’t have education you will join the Talban just to get food, money.
ReplyDeleteThe schools that have been being built by the CAI for the childeren in Afghanistan and Pakistan dont just improve the life of the students, they improve the life of all of the people living in the areas because people are being educated and that leads to better advances in technology for the people and better all around education.
ReplyDeleteThe schools are improving the lives of the students that attend them because they are benefiting a lot. As coal said, they are becoming the leaders of their community. Education is like water because you need education to get through life and be happy. Education is also like water because the more you learn the stronger you will be.
ReplyDelete1. Since the students stated to receive their education, their lives improved. When Greg first arrived in Korphe, the had no education, little food and they didn't even have a village doctor. Since Greg started building schools and bridges in Korphe, lives have improved. There is easier transportation now from the bridges so they can cross dangerous waters also they have quicker and easier ways to hunt, instead of taking the dangerous box hanging from a wire hundreds of feet above and across the river they now take the bridge. Also since the schools have been built many lives have improved as well. For example one of girls in the book was one of the first to graduate from High School, this makes the village proud and confident which makes may happy. Also some even went to college and even one girl went to medical school to become a doctor. Now I am sure that a lot more of the villages in Afghanistan have village doctors and I am sure they have helped save lives or prevented death or major illnesses.
ReplyDeleteEvidence is shown in many ways how education helps people all over the world. For example if the children of Korphe had a simple but good enough education, there is a very good chance that they could get out of poverty and get a job that pays well. A education is like water in this way, you need water to live, you may not need a education to live but you need it to get a job and have the natrual resoures that you would have if you had an education.
ReplyDeleteEducation is similar to Water because you need it to survive. Water helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the same goes with education. Education helps everything also like water. If you go for a run and get very tired, you go home and have a drink of water and it helps you feel much better. But if you are illiterate and you learn how to read and write it also helps you feels better also.
ReplyDeleteI agree with cole that The children are leading up to better lives after going to school.
ReplyDelete1. The evidence that the education in Korphe was improving was that when Greg came back to visit the school, he saw more and more girls going to school, and the students that attended the schools that the CAI built were finally getting the education that they deserved to get their families out of poverty.
ReplyDelete2. Education is like water because if you don't have education and water there is no way you could survive in the world.
Now that the children are able to read and write, they can later go off to school to obtain jobs, and could improve the life of the villagers by sending money. Also they could become elders for their village, if they choose to return.
ReplyDeleteEducation, much like water is needed to survive. Much like the saying, “Give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, teach a man to fish feed him for a life time.” Even those who are not educated, have learned to survive in their surroundings, like how the people of Korphe have raised goats and not farmed
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