Ch 7-11 Q2 Building Bridges

Chapters 7-11, Question 2:
  • The title of Chapter 10, "Building Bridges," has a literal and figurative meaning. Define both and tell how each relates to the story.


  1. The tenth chapter of "Three Cups of Tea" is titled "Building Bridges." I think this has a couple meanings. The first literally being the building of bridges, specifically the physical construction of a concrete, steel cable bridge. and figuratively I feel it means the 'building of a bridge' that connects the culture not only of Korphe, but of all the Balti culture to the western world, or to a world of knowledge. So without further ado, I submit my answer.

    -¤§Jacob D. Gallup§¤-

  2. In the chapter Greg helped the Korphe people build a bridge to get over the Braldu River. The literal meaning is that they actually built a bridge with stone and wood and cable. The figurative meaning could be that they were building the bridge to connect themselves with the rest of the world to see the other ways of life and the other cultures.

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  4. I agree with Janelle. They were literally building bridges, but more importantly they were connecting the rest of the world in ways that had never happened before.

  5. i aghree with jacob, that it has both a metaphorical and a literal meaning. it means to build bridges to the outside world and connect to the ouutside world, and it means to build a physical structure.

  6. The literal meaning of building bridges is the actual structure. Greg helped the people of Korphe build a bridge so that they could get the supplies for the school to the village. The figurative meaning is joining two cultures and ways of life. Greg is beginning to learn many of the customs of Balti culture, like the ibex hunt. Also Haji Ali's wife begins to accept him as a part of the family.

  7. I agree with Janelle because the people of Korphe did build a bridge with a literal and figurative meaning. The literal meaning was, as Janelle said, built with the supplies they had. This was to get the supplies for the school over to Korphe. The Figurative meaning was that the people built a bridge that let them connect with the outside world. Before, the people of Korphe didn’t have much connection outside their village. This was a start to new knowledge for the people of Korphe.

  8. I agree with Jake and Janelle.
    The title of chapter 10, building bridges had two meanings, one literal and one figurative. The literal meaning, obviously, is that Greg Mortenson and the people of Korphe were building a bridge (out of wood, steel cable, rebar, rock, and concrete) to get across the river. The figurative meaning as Jake and Janelle stated, was that Greg Mortenson was helping the people of Korphe build a bridge. The bridge not only helped to get across the river, but helped connect the people of Korphe to neighboring villages, and the rest of the world.

  9. In chapter ten, "Building Bridges" they literally build a concrete, wooden, and cabled bride. However the chapter has a figurative meaning as well. I believe that the title also signifies that Haji Ali and his people are building a bridge of trust between them and Greg, the American. The bridge also connects Korphe to other parts of the world, that are filled with knowlege, and much more.

  10. in chapter 10 the title building briges has somthing to do with the chapter because In the chapter Greg helped the Korphe people build a bridge to get over the Braldu River so they could get what they need

  11. I agree with Jacob and Janelle, too. The title for Chapter Ten, "Building Bridges" has both a literal and figurative meaning. The more obvious of the two meaning is the literal meaning. It stands for building an actual bridge out of wood, rocks, concrete, steel cable and other suplies, to conect Korphe with other areas. This brings us to the figurative meaning. As Jacob and Janelle both stated in their blogs was that Greg Mortenson was not only building the bridge to help the people get across the river in a safer way, but also to connect Korphe to the outside world in which they have been isolated from. Now, they are connected to areas around the world that have knowledge, supplies, schools, different cultures, and more stuff that these people value in their lives.

  12. Jacob brings up a great point in saying that it is literal and figurative meaning. Literal, because they construct a solid bridge out of rocks cut from the mountainside, steel cable (after walking hours and hours and hours on end), and wooden planks. It also has a figurative meaning because the bridge, was the beginning of merging cultures. The start of exploiting Korphe to the outside world.

  13. The chapter 'Building Bridges" is both literal and figurative. In the literal sense Greg and the people of Korphe actually did build a bridge. In the figurative sense they were building bridges as in taking more steps in making a better life for the people of Korphe.

  14. "Building Bridges" has both literal and figurative meanings. Literal becasue Greg and the men of Korphe built a bridge. Figurative because after the bridge was built in the book it said "It's the first time we have realy been part of and able to communicate with the outside world"

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  16. The literal meaning of “building bridges” is that they were actually building a bridge over the Braldu River, but the figurative meaning“building bridges” is that they were connecting themselves to the rest of the world, or in a sense that is an easier way over the Braldu River.

  17. Each meaning relates to this story because figurativlly it means that Greg is building his friendship with the Balti community. He is doing this by building them a bridge and a school. So in a sense he is rebuilding their community and society. The physical meaning is that he is actually building a bridge so that he can take all the supplies over to Korphe safely and so the people of Korphe can be more united with the outside world.

  18. The figurative meaning of the chapter "Building Bridges" is that Korphe would be connecting themselves with other cultures from the region and the rest of the world. The literal meaning of the chapter "Building Bridges" is that Greg Mortenson and the people of Korphe actually built a bridge with the rocks from the mountain side, steel cable, and wooden planks.
    The bridge also made life in Korphe a little easier. The people of Korphe would no longer have to pull themselves over the river in the cable car.

  19. Chapter ten "Building Bridges" has a literal and a figurative meaning. In this chapter they are actually building a bridge.This bridge will make their lives a lot easier in the sense that they won't have to go across the water on the cable. The figurative meaning is that this bridge will connect them to the rest of the world and let them experience new things.

  20. I agree with Michael that the literal meaning in the chapter "Building Bridges" was the Korphe people and Mortenson built a bridge over the river to allow trucks loaded with supplies for the school to cross. It was figurative because it connected the Korphe village to the rest of the world.

  21. The name of chapter 10 building bridges has a literal and figurative meaning to it. The literal meaning of it would be Greg and the people of Korphe actually build a bridge to cross the river instead of use a dangerous box car that is suspended in the air. The figurative meaning would be that this bridge isn't only a path way to Korphe it also symbolizes that Korphe is connected to the out side world letting in new ideas and experiences to them.

  22. Building bridges is good title for chapter because it is the start of helping out another community. The literal meaning is Greg and others building the bridge so they are able to bring the suplies to build the school over the river. The figurative meaning is building a connection between two places that would provide them with the help that has been needed for a while.

  23. The two meanings of "building bridges" are that, number one, Greg is literally building a bridge so that he can bring the supplies over to Korphe to build the school. The second meaning is a figurative one. It means that Greg has to find a way to build a "bridge" between the awareness that America has about Korphe and care about it the same way Greg does. The people of Korphe have to know that there are people out there, other than Greg, that want to help and create things like the Pennies for Peace program to make life better for the people of Korphe.

  24. In chapter 10 “Building Bridges” Greg literally builds a bridge to cross the river to get supplies to Korpe but he also figuratively builds a bridge over the problem he was faced with and now he can start to build the school at last.

  25. I agree with most of the people here. The literal meaning of building bridges is the physical construction of bridges for the transporting of supplies. The figurative meaning of building bridges is how in the chapters 7-11 the small, poor, unknown village of Korphe was finally connected to other villages and the rest of the world.

  26. i agree with most of the people who have replyed.

    i think this means that they literaly built a brifge and that they built a connection to the outside world and now they arnt "alone"

  27. When the people of Korphe built the bridge, it had a literal and figurative meaning. The literal meaning is that they built a bridge and were not as cut off from the world. The figurative meaning is they crossed a barrier that separated them from the world. The barrier can be associated with the Berlin wall. The Berlin wall separated the country of Germany and also was a curtain that hid East Germany from the world,like the Braldu River seperated Korphe from the world.

  28. the title "Building Bridges" has a meaning in which the people of Korphe want to connect to other people in there area. another meaning to this title "Building Bridges" could mean that it is a bridge to a new life.

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  30. I agree with Hudson that the title "Building bridges" is a meaning in which Korphe wants to connect with other people in their area, and they also have to get supplies to the area for the new school.

  31. I agree building bridges does have more than one meaning. I think in a literal sense it just means to build a bridge to get from town to town and help carry supplies on but I also think it has a figurative meaning being in that he may be crossing bridges in his life realizing that he can learn from the people there more than they will ever learn from him, and that he should slow down and soak in life while he can. He is starting to understand and relate to there culture.

    ps:sorry if its spelled wrong.

  32. i agree with kelly i think grege is literaly building a bridge so he can bring all the supplise for the school. The secand meaning is figutive grege has to find a way to build the school.

  33. I think the title building bridges is a well suited title for the chapter. The title did have a literal and figurative meaning. The literal was that they were actually building a bridge. The figurative meaning is that they sort of were connecting the places outside of Korphe and the realigns and culture that came with them.

  34. He and the people literally, physically build the bridge, from the steel cables to the block towers. Now, people and supplies could have an easier time to leave and enter Korphe. Also, with the bridge supplies, such as medical supplies, radios and many other to try to improve Korphe living conditions. But, figuratively they had become connected it the outside world. They could be open to new cultures, knowledge, and ways of life and could explore to know areas.

  35. I agree with Eddie, Greg literaly builds a bridge so he can transport supplies, but he also is building a figurative bridge so he can buils a school

  36. In chatper ten, "Building Bridges", there are two meanings for the title of this chapter. The first being literal that Greg had built a bridge so they could transport the supplies to build the school. The other meaning is figurative, because the bridge connects the poeple who live on the mountain to the outside world.

  37. The title of chapter ten, “Building Bridges,” had a figurative and literal meaning. Literally, the title meant that the bridge was physically being built. But the figurative meaning was meant to show the connecting of two different cultures. The bridge figuratively connected the two different cultures and the uneducated children to the educated children.

  38. The literaly meaning of the title "Building Bridges" mean a contrution of a pathway over moving water or ditches to transport objects or people. The figutive meaning is that the bridge is a symbol of freedom, to be part of the world, not isolated, free to roam,transport easily, and the beginning of the new school.

  39. I believe the chapter "Building Bridges" is both literally and figuratively. Literally because they are actually building a bridge over the Braldu River out of wood, cement, nails, cable, etc. I also think that by building a bridge they are doing it figuratively as well. This is because Korphe is connecting with other people such as other communities in Pakistan. But most importantly not only communities in their country but other countries as well like the United States.

  40. I agree with Jacob, Janelle, and people who agree with them, that the bridge in literaly is a phyical construction of stone, wood, and cable. Also the figutive meaning is that they connect with the rest of the world, their cultures, and their way of life.

  41. The title " Building Bridges has both a literal and figurative meanings. It has a literal meaning because Greg helps the people of Korphe build a bridge over the Braldu River. The figurative meaning could be that they were building bridges to try to see other ways of life and to connect with the "outside" world.

  42. I agree with Janelle because I think the figurative meaning would be that the people of Korphe were trying to connect to the "outside" world and see the different styles of life and that the literal meaning is that Greg helped the people of Korphe build a bride across the Braldu river.

  43. the title "Buiklding Bridges" is both literally and figuratively. literally because they really did build a bridge out of the supplies they bought. figuratively because they are also building a bridge to everyone else in the world.everyone is helping them to get an education by building a school or two. so they will have some benifits that we have.

  44. The literal meaning of "Building Bridges" is Greg and the Korphe men building a bridge across Braldu River. The figurative meaning is that the people of Korphe were finally connected to the outside world and could explore other ways of life.

  45. I agree with mostly everyone on this, the bridge was built so they could cross they river, which is the literal meaning. I think the figurative meaning was that they were building the bridge to connect with the outside world.

  46. The literal meaning of "Building Bridges" is the people physically built a bridge over the river. The figurative meaning is the people of Korphe are conecting with the outer world and beggining a new life. Both meanings relate to the story because both were goals of the Korphe people. Villagers can now safely cross the river and can now connect themselves with the outside world. I agree with Julia and Kaeli.

  47. The title of chapter 10 in Three Cups of Tea is "Building Bridges." Greg litterally built a bridge to get the school stuff over to Korpe, but he also figuratively built a bridge over a problem he was faced with.

  48. The title of Chapter ten, "Building Bridges," had a literal and figurative meaning. It has a literal meaning because he actually was building a bridge for Korphe. It was figurative because he was one step closer to achieving his goal. He was "building a bridge" over the obstacles that were getting in the way of him reaching his goal.

  49. I think that chapter ten "building bridges," has a literal and figurative meaning. the literal meaning was that Greg was actually building a bridge, and the Figurative meaning was that Greg was to connect with the outside world also it was the quickest way to get all the heavy school supplies over to Korphe.

  50. The literal meaning is that Korphe wanted a bridg for the village and the figurative meaning is that they need a bridg to a better life and wealth.

  51. The literal meaning of the title building bridges is that Greg Mortenson along with the help of the village people are building the bridge. They are doing this to be able to bring the supplies from Skardu to Korphe. They had to build the bridge because before the bridge they crossed over the Braldu River in a steel bucket pulling themselves across. The figurative meaning is that they are building bridges in their lives. They are striving for a better life for not just themselves but also for their children. The people of Korphe all help to build the bridge by cutting stones, carrying stones, and bringing in the supplies from Skardu on foot. It is obvious that the people of Korphe want a better life in the valley.

  52. The words "building bridges means to actually build a bridge for the Korphe people by using supplies and materials. Also it might mean that the Korphe people can connect themselves with the rest of the world to see the other ways of life and the other cultures.

  53. i aghree with jacob, that it has both a metaphorical and a literal meaning. it means to build bridges to the outside world and connect to the ouutside world, and it means to build a physical structure.

  54. I agree with Cody on the point in building the bridge. I also think it was built to connect all towns together. the literal meaning I think is that they are connecting their lives with other people lives.

  55. It would appear that there is very little more to say. Literally, 'building bridges' means... building bridges. The chapter involves the actual construction of a bridge - specifically, the bridge to Korphe, which was needed to bring in supplies in order to build the school. Figuratively, 'building bridges' means connecting Korphe to the rest of the world. Now that Korphe has a bridge (which allows for more travel and transport), and will soon have a school (which will educate the children of the village about the world outside of Korphe), it is much more "bridged" to the outside.In essence, this is what Greg Mortenson has been striving for in his quest; education and better living conditions through connection.

  56. Chapter ten is called "Building Bridges”. I believe figuratively what Greg was trying to say was that people could not only connect their cultures but now the people of Korphe could now reach the outside world. Literally what I think Greg meant was that the people of Korphe needed to do was build a bridge so the villagers working on the new school could carry the materials across to get to where the school was going to be.

  57. The literal meaning of the title "building bridges" is that Greg Mortenson and the people of Korphe had to build a bridge before building the school. So the literal meaning is them building the bridge. I agree with josh burnham with what he thinks of the fugitive meaning for the title "building bridges". I think the fugitive meaning for this is that they were mostly isolated from the world and now they can be open to new cultures, knowledge, ways of life, and can explore knew things they didn't know before.

  58. I would have to agree with both Emily Rexford and Proulx. They both are right in the way that, in the chapter bridges were built both literally and in a way for the people. When Greg built the bridge, he gave the people of Korphe a way to reach relatives or villages on the other side of the river. It also allowed more trade to become possible. Men from Korphe and other villages could now trade more and make more money. The physical bridge, not only connected the people with the outside world, but it also gave the people hope. The people began to believe that if a bridge could be built with the help of money and a generous man, then maybe other things could be built also. The bridge into Korphe was neccessary in order to have the school built. I also must agree with Jay Kepes. By Greg building the bridge, the people beagn to have hope. And hope is neccessary if a task as big as building a school is going to become a reality.

  59. I agree with Conner H when he says it has both a metaphorical and a literal meaning. That means that he builds a bridge and helps them get out seeing the world more instead of living in the same cramped up place all there lives

  60. I agree with david that Korphe wanted a bridg for the village and the figurative meaning is that they need a bridg so that they could have a better life.

  61. "Building Bridges" stands for connecting Korphe with the other cultures in the Himalayas and actually building a bridge across the Braldu River

  62. The literal meaning of building bridges was the Greg and the people of Korphe actually built a bridge so that they could get across the river. The figurative meaning was they were connected to other villages on the other side of the river.

  63. In this chapter bridges were built both literally and in a way for the people.When Greg built the bridge , he gave the people of Kophe a way to reach relatives and or villageson the other side of the river. It also allows more trade to be done

  64. I basically agree with everyone. The title for Chapter Ten, "Building Bridges" has both a literal and figurative meaning. Literal, because Greg and the people of Korphe literately built a bridge, so that they could get across the river. Figurative, because Greg and people of Korphe were building the bridge to connect with the outside world. The bridge was also a quicker and easier way to get school supplies over to the school.

  65. I agree with what Sara. I agree with her because he is trying to build a relationship with people in Korphe. Mortenson wants to be their friends he doesn't want to make them think that he is the enemy. That is a figurative meaning for Mortenson. A physical meaning would be that he was actually building them a bridge and a school for them. He was trying to make it a better community.

  66. I think that chapter ten "Building Bridges," has a literal and figurative meaning. The Literal meaning was that Greg was actually building a bridge, and the Figurative meaning was that they were connected to other villages across the river.

  67. “Building Bridges” has a literal and figurative meaning. The literal meaning is the actual construction of the building of the bridge and having to bring all the supplies down to where the bridge was going to be built. Its figurative meaning is they could be connecting cultures together. What connecting cultures means is an American is volunteering to build a school for Korphe, but he decided that he would go back to the United States and raise more money to build a bridge for the people of Korphe so the children could get over the water to school.

  68. I believe that the title also signifies that Haji Ali and his people are building a bridge of trust between them and Greg, the American. The Korphe people and Mortenson built a bridge over the river to allow trucks loaded with supplies for the school to cross.

  69. "Building Bridges “has both a literal and figurative meaning. The first meaning is to actually build the bridge to get the supplies a cross to build the school and the second meaning is Its figurative meaning is they could be connecting cultures together. Thos is like when America gave money to Greg to build the bridge so he could have the supplies carried by jeep across the bridge and so that kids could have a way to get to school.

  70. The literal meaning of it would be the fact that they built a bridge from one side of a river to the other so the people of korphe can get the school supplies from one side of the river to Korphe. the figuritive meaning of it would be how greg built brdges or connections with all the people of Korphe and helped every individual person in some way.

  71. I agree with Janelle. I think she is right because the literal meaning of the chapter "Building Bridges" is that they built a bridge physically. The figurative meaning of building bridges is that it is opening a new gateway to see other cultures and opening up other experiences for them.

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  73. Well the literal meaning of “Building Bridges” is that they are going to build a cable bridge , but they are also figuratively building a bridge into the Balti culture…

  74. Greg Mortenson was not only building the bridge to help the people get across the river in a safer way, but also to connect Korphe.

  75. I agree with Emilee because they needed to build a bridge to get the supplies for the school to the village of Korphe but by building the bridge it also makes it easier for them to know whats happening on outside of their village.

  76. he built a bridge so he could cary the supplys to korphe

  77. The chapter "Building Bridges" is figurative because the bridge they accually built connected them to other villages. Now they dont have to take a 2-3 day trip to get to the other villages. They just have to cross the bridge. Its a literal statement because they physically built a bridge with stone, wood, and alot of man power.

  78. The term "Building Bridges" has many different sides to it. In my own oppinion I thought that he was tring to biuld a bidge in the form of a mental and in a phisical way. For example physicaly becasue he needed to carry supplys from one place to another like to bring supplies to the villege of Korphe. But on the other hand mentaly I think that he was saying that he need to build a bridge in his head of how he was going to complish so many things at once.

  79. The tenth chapter in "Three Cups of Tea" is called "Building Bridges." I think that this title has more than one meaning. Literaly, the people of Korpe were literaly building a bridge to replace the old broken one. But figuratively they were connecting Korphe and the people in ti to the people in the outside world.
