Ch 17-18 Running from War

1. How does your understanding of Muslims/Muslim culture changed from reading this story?

2. Who is one of Mortenson's role models? How do you know?


  1. My understanding of the Muslin culture has changed to a better perspective from what we have read so far. Before I started reading "Three Cups of Tea," I had read another book called "Shabanu" to which I got an understanding of what the world is like for these people living in Pakistan, especially the girls who don't get an edjucation. There is a part from the audult version of "Three Cups of Tea" and possably in the children's versions. It goes like this:

    "He picked up his dog-eared, grease-spotted Koran and held it before the flames. 'Do you see how beautiful this Koran is? I can’t read it. I can’t read anything. This is the greatest sadness in my life. I’ll do anything so the children of my village never have to know this feeling. I’ll pay any price so they have the education they deserve.'" ~ Haji Ali

    This tells one that in the Muslin culture, people are willing to sacrifice anything to get a proper edjucation. Also, I have learned that a major part of this culture is religion. Muslims pray five times a day, no matter what.

    As for who is one of Mortenson's role model? I would have to say Haji Ali. This is because, as said in one of the previous chapters, "Mortenson considered Haji Ali one of the wisest men he had ever known." He thinks very highly of Haji Ali and thinks of him often.

  2. 1. as i continue to read about Mortensen's experiences in the middle east my understanding has grown. i've learned that muslims are very dependent on their religion; they take special time out of their daily lives to pray to the Almighty Allah. time that could be used to get crops planted and feed their animals. and chiefs of villages will go to great lengths to provide and support their people, even if they are illiterate like Haji Ali.
    2. mortensen might have had more than one role model in his experience with building the school in Korphe and becoming the director of CAI, but i believe that Haji Ali was his main role model. Haji Ali may have been illiterate but he still did inspiring things that encouraged mortensen to continue his quest to provide education to those who were unable to afford it themselves.

  3. Haji Ali is definetly one of Mortenson's role models. Greg was amazed at how wise Haji Ali was although he was not educated. He was amazed at the way Haji Ali always knew what was going on. Haji Ali lived in extreme poverty but he had a kind heart and was always willing to work hard and lend a hand to anyone in need. Greg admired Haji Ali's kindness and valued his wisdom.

  4. My understading of Muslim culture has changed. Not all Muslims are terrorists or members of Al Qaeda. The one ones who follow the true teachings of Islam believe in peace and justice. They want to help people not hurt them. They are also deeply spiritual. even though Haji Ali can't read he still carries around his Koran and prays to Allah every day.

    One of Mortensens role models is Haji Ali. He says Haji Ali is very wise and he respects him greatly.

  5. 1.As I continue to read "Three Cups Of Tea" I figured out that they are really dependent on their religion; they take time out of their daily lives to pray. 2.I belive that Haji Ali is mortensens main role model.

  6. This chapter helped me realize that Americans only know so much about was is going on outside of the U.S. Greg was the only American who went and helped the war refugees. The refugees welcomed him with relief and the mullah, Mullah Gulzar, asked for more than just water, which was what Greg was trying to bring them. He also asked for medicine and housing and education for the children. Greg promised to bring it all. This lets me know that not many Americans would do what Greg is doing. As Mullah Gulzar said, No other American had caome over to help the refugees. This makes me want to do soemthing for them and I understand how much the refugees need to prosper in their country.

  7. I very much agree with Theresa on this one. She fully in depth explains how us americans see the world upside down and are very secluded from the outside world. (I also love the quote) More to the point, we are foolish to ever even think that muslims or islams are dangerous. They are a very developed and intlellegent people and should be treated as such. Theresa is not the only one that read Shabanu, (I highly recommend the book)it speaks of the mistreatment of the women of that culture and how they are controlled by men in their life. They have no choices and are almost slaves to the community, never leaving, never seeing anywhere new. People in this culture should never take the advantage that they have for granted. Education is also quite a problem in the middle east, some places have failed to develop a school, because of a lack of money or a disbelief that it should be built, and that effects the knowledge of the entire community. Just look at Haji Ali, he never got and education, he's illiterate, but he is still exremely wise. This book is important for anyone...ANYONE that thinks that people that live in the middle east are crazy, not smart, and fanatics to read becaus it can really explain to them that we are the fanatic ones for thinking that. Not to mention the fact that we caused all of this mess in the first place: placing the Shah in Iran and invading iraq which even the most conservitive person should beleive was a wrongdoing. I mean come on, Iraq had no part in 9/11 and we had no proof of nucleur weapons. But that is beside the point. They are a wise nation and should be treated as such.
    Greg Mortenson's role model would have to be Mother Teresa. She helped the poor, rejected or unwanted, and the crippled in a society to better further there role in existance just for the sake of doing it. We rarely see that anymore, heck it made her my role model!

  8. One of Greg's role models is definately Haji Ali. Haji Ali is a very wise man that is thankful for everything that the CAI has done. Greg is amazed that wherever Haji Ali is, he always knows about what is happening. Greg also wonders how he seems to be so relaxed and act like he has all the time in the world. Haji Ali is also a role model because of all the life lessons he has taught Greg.

  9. I think that Haji Ali is Gregs one of Gregs role modles. Haji Ali was a kind hearted man and lended a hand to anyone in need. Also he is always willing to work hard. Although Haji Ali was not educated Greg still admired him and liked how hard he worked. Haji Ali also helped to encourage Greg to keep building schools for the people that could not afford it.

  10. The culture of the Muslims change from reading the story because now I see that they also have the same problems as the people in Korphe. The Muslims don’t have that much water and it’s harder for them to get water because they live uphill. Their girls have to go by the airport to go to school. The men or boys go to the government school to learn. Then they will leave to go find a job. The Muslims don’t have the medicine to help their people get well.

    One of Greg’s role models was Hoerni. He was the person who gave Greg the money in the first place so that he could build the school in Korphe. Hoerni and he started the CAI organization to help the other villages in Pakistan. In the book he met him and talked to him about how he needed money for a school and Hoerni said” after you get the school built in Korphe show me a picture. He wanted to see the picture of the school before he passed away because he said that he had a blood problem and he only had a few more months to live. So Greg became his nurse while he was in the hospital.

  11. 1) you can tell that the muslim people are kind of diffrent in what the eat and wear

    2) one of gregs role models is haji ali the cheif of korphe because he is older and wiser than greg.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Haji Ali was definitely one of Gregs definite role models. Greg was surprised at how well Haji knew what was going on although he was uneducated. He may have been in poverty but always was an upbeat person. Although these were not the best living conditions Haji always had a kind heart. That is why I believe Greg thought that Haji Ali was one of his role models.

  14. I believe that Haji Ali is Greg's role model because he has taught him a lot of important facts about their culture and their religion. He has taught him that they pray 5 times a day no matter what they are doing. Also if you have been invited to have tea with them they think of you as family and they would do anything for you.

  15. 2) Haji Ali is probably one of Mortenson’s role models because of the way he thinks of him. Mortenson thinks he is the wisest man he’s ever met because of the advice Haji Ali gives him. He thinks of him very often and when he does, thinks of him as a very great person.

  16. Just like Thressa, I also read the book Shabanu. Before I read Shabanu and Three Cups of Tea, I really didn’t think much of the lives of the Muslims and the Muslim culture. In Three Cups of Tea the girls don’t get an education. In Shabanu the girls don’t get an education either. In Shabanu one of the characters gets married when she is 13. I now know that people in Pakistan don’t have as much as we have. I think what Greg Mortenson is doing is a great way to help the people in Pakistan. They also sacrifice a lot in the Muslim culture. For example, when they wanted to build a school in Korphe they had to give Haji Mehdi 12 of their largest rams. They don’t have as much money as we do to pay people for what they want so they give away their animals.
    I think Greg Mortensons role model is Haji Ali because he calls him the wisest man he has ever met. Also Haji Ali encouraged Mortenson to build schools places in more than just Korphe.

  17. My understanding of the Muslim culture has changes from reading this story in that we can learn a lot from them. We can learn that we shouldn’t always be rushing through life as though it’s a race but that we should slow down and enjoy it while we have it. We can also learn we are a lot more self centered that we think. We who are so fortunate complain about going to school and getting an education. While they who have have nothing and try to learn on their own without anything. Also in America we have doctors yet when we are sick we don’t want to go in avoidance off a little pain and for them there closest doctor is a week’s walk away. We can just get in the car and go to the groceries store they had to go on a 4 day hunt just to get one animal to feed the village. I also think that the people in Pakistan are very welcoming to new cultures and don’t judge a book by its cover quite as much as us Americans. When we think Pakistan or Afghanistan we think terrorist or al kihda.When in reality most of the people there are just trying to get through there day. I think we could learn to be more accepting and understanding to differences and not live in our little bubble of canton New York. One of Mortonson’s role models is Haji Ali I believe because he was amazed at the way that he was connected to the world even though he had never left his village. Also he had lived in extreme poverty his whole life but still had a kind heart and would always give a hand.

  18. With my understanding of the Muslims culture my perspective has changed in a positve way. I had no clue that there were people in the world in refrence to the Korphe village that live in poverty like they do. Secondly I believe that Haji Ali is Greg Mortensens main role modle.

  19. I agree with OJ, Over my time reading this book my look on muslims has changed completely. Before this book i was lead to believe that all muslims were either terrorists or were against americans. due to this story i now understand that many muslims are not terrorists and many muslims beleive in the peaceful islam religion and believe in peace and the education and prosperity of their people.

  20. I agree with Izzy. I think that Haji Ali is one of Greg’s top role models. He would help anyone in need including Greg himself. Greg admired Haji even though that he was not educated. Haji still new more than Greg did so Greg looked up to Haji.

  21. I also agree with OJ on Muslim culture. My feelings have changed over the Muslim culture because not all Muslims are bad or not all of them are part of the Taliban.

  22. Over here in America, we mostly think that Muslims are very different from us, and that we should be their enemies because we don't have the same beliefs. However, in reality, that is very far from the truth. Muslims are people just like us and they want to be respected for who they are, and not what they believe in.
    I think the one part in the story that changed things for me was reading the story of the little Muslim girl Fatima. It was painful to think about children being afraid of where they live, to live in fear that this could be your last day. No child should have to endure the suffering that Fatima did; to get upset and shake when she heard shells being fired.
    I think that their culture, though different from ours needs to be respected, because it is a part of who they are; and everyone, no matter what their religion is, needs respect.

  23. I used to think that muslims were all bad people but now i know that most of them are very kind and generous people. They are even willing to give any foreigners food and water when they pass by there village.

  24. My understanding of the Muslim culture as changes significantly after reading this story. After September 11th when Americans heard the word "Muslim" they automatically thought "Terrorist" or "Al Queda". In "Three Cups Of Tea" the people of Korphe are Muslim, but they are no where near being a terrorists. An anology could be a serial killer in America. Just because a few Americans kill people doesn't mean all Americans go around killing people. It is the same with Muslims. Just because some of them are against America doesn't mean they all are. I think the reason most Americans think Muslims are bad people is because they haven't taken the time to understand them and their way of life. I have also read the book "Shabanu" and completely agree with the fact that life is different in Pakistan than in the United States.
    One of Greg Mortenson's role models is Haji Ali because he called Haji Ali the wisest man he ever knew. He also has a lot of respect and loyalty for Haji Ali because of how Haji Ali helped him and how he helps the people of his village. Even though Haji Ali lived in a small village with extreme poverty he still saw the brighter side of life even though it wasn't always visible.

  25. Haji Ali and other men of the village were role models of Mortensons. They found Mortenson to be such a leader but they didn't realize that they knew just as much just in different ways. Haji Ali always knew what was going on throughout the village. Haji Ali had great strength along with the other men. They walked for hours on end carrying things to their village to build the school. Not once did they complain about it. They always came with a smile on their face as well.

  26. (1.While reading the story, my feeling and understandings of Muslims have changed severely. Before reading this book, I thought most Muslims were bad; that they were all terrorists, mainly because of 9/11. I knew that some were the complete opposite, but when the subject of Muslims came up, I instantly thought that they were bad. I now know that most, almost all Muslims are not bad people, and just because some decided to attack the United States, doesn't mean that all will follow the others. Most are normal people like us who work, and have or want a loving family.
    (2.When it comes to Mortenson's role models, I believe that I know exactly who stands at number one; Haji Ali. He is one of Mortenson's role models because he is not an educated man, but is still able to run a village, care for people, and still has more knowlege than most people. Whenever a problem occurs, he solves the problem head on and will not back down to anything. When the man came to beat Haji Ali and Greg for building the school that allowed girls, Haji Ali would not postpone the consruction of the school, and because of it had to give up twelve of their most precious rams. Haji Ali has lived in an extremely poor country all of his life, but still has the ability to turn everything around and look at what he has, rather than the opposite; he can still be happy with living on very few resources.

  27. I believe that Greg's role model (or hero) was, with no doubt in my mind, Mother Terese, just as much as was Haji Ali. How could I ever concieve such a thought you may ask? Well, it was in the book, as I shall now quote from...

    "Greg headed to where Mother Teresa lay, among hundreds of quiet mourners. A young nun lead him to the room where Mother Teresa's body was. He sat in the corner, looking at her body, covered by a shroud. Greg said he had "no idea what to do. Since I was a little boy she'd been one of my heroes..."

    Page 117, Three Cups of Tea
    Oh, time to go... *post*

  28. After reading most of the book I would have to say my previous understanding of the Muslim culture hasn't changed much. I knew that the Muslim people would wear long draping clothing,and about the women having to cover themselves. They cover their face, hair, and in some cases, their entire body. The fabric used for the women’s clothing would be thick and most of the time in the colors blue and black. For the men, they would wear along robe and some pants, usually the fabric used is white and a little see through. The correct name for the clothing is "Shalwar Kamiz."

    As far as the food, I knew that they didn't use silverware and mostly ate rice and bread.

    Religion wise I knew that Ramadan, a time of fasting for Muslins, lasted one month and changed from when it started and ended due to the changing in the moon and the calendar. During Ramadan, they would only eat when the sun was down(before sunrise and after sunset). I also knew that they would pray five times a day and would face Mecca where ever they were. Women and men have different areas to pray in the mosque.

    In response to the second question, I would have to say that a role model for Greg would have to be Haji Ali. I think this because in the book Greg said that Haji Ali was the wisest man he had ever met, even thought he was illiterate and had never left his village. Also when Haji Mehdi came and demanded 12 of Korphe's sheep, Haji Ali gave Mehdi the sheep so that the childern of Korphe could be educated.

  29. I think Haji Ali is definetly Greg's role model because Greg is surprised about how much he knows even though he is uneducated. Greg also said that Haji Ali was the wisest person he has ever met. This is why I think Haji Ali is Greg's role model.

  30. This book has changed my opinion on the Muslims/Muslim culture in different ways for different reasons. Before I started reading "Three Cups of Tea" I knew little about the Muslim culture I knew that women were discriminated and that they are very religious. I learned from the book, that women weren't even allowed to touch men. They are only allowed to do this if it was their family. It makes me feel more sympathetic towards the Muslims. It makes me want to help more with the building of schools and bridges. I also didn't know didn't use silverware. They also don't use tables which I also didn't know. I learned a lot from the book "Three Cups of Tea."

  31. 1)My understanding of Muslim culture has changed because I never really understood what Muslims cultures were like and I didn’t really bother to learn how Muslims live. Now I do understand and I care. I now know that the Muslims aren’t all terrorists like the Taliban. I have also learned that they are educated to survive in their environments, before then I just thought that they bought what they wanted like Americans because they make a lot of the things that we buy.
    2)One of Mortinson’s role model is Jean Hoerni . I know because Jean was one of the first adults to give him a large amount of money. Also because Hoerni was so persistent to see a picture of the Korphe school. He showed interest and that made Mortinson respect him more than he did when he first met him.

  32. My opinion toward Muslims have changed a lot because before reading the book “The Cups of Tea” I though Muslims were bad people and strictly against Americans. Now that I’ve read some of the book I now know that Muslims are like every other person except they live in a third world country and they are less wealthy. I believe that Haji Ali is Greg's role model because he has taught him a lot of important facts about their culture and their religion and life in general. He has taught him that they pray 5 times a day no matter what they are doing.

  33. My understanding of the Muslims culture changed in a good way. I always thought that Muslims were bad people but now I know they’re really not. I didn’t know that there was anybody living in poverty in the world. Now that I know there are I feel really bad for them. One of Mortensens role models is Haji Ali. I know this because Haji Ali has helped Mortenson through a lot and he also gave him a lot of advice.

  34. This book has changed my opinion about Muslim/Muslim cuture. I used to think that there were so many people in America that also need to be helped. Now that I read this book especialy this chapter, I have a different opinion. Now I can better understand why our army is over there. There are peopele that need to be helped here but there are a lot more options to get help and in Pakistan/Afganistan there are more pople that eed t be helped. In Afganistan there is no place that they could go to get help unless we go over and help them. There are people who still don't understand what these people are going through. I think that it is good that Greg is building schools to, not only help the children nd give them an education, but also to raise awareness about the Muslims.
    I now realize tht the muslums are like us in a way. They repect and worship religion. They care for there families and try to get by in tough times. We have tough times here as well. With the economy today we all mabey have to not get something that is to high of a price or not go to Morgas that day because they need money to get food for dinner. So, we can realate to what they go through sometimes. Even thoguh we have it better then they do because we are free people and more over there need help.

  35. I understand the Muslim culture better now because before my understanding of what people told me was that Muslims were bad. But now I understand that they just have a different way of life than people in the United States.
    2. I think that Haji Ali is Greg's role model because Greg looks up to him and listens to what he has to say and takes any advice that he gives.

  36. Haji Ali is one of Greg's role models. One reason he is Gregs role model is because of how wise he is even though he wasn't educated. Also, Haji Ali always knows what is going on outside of Korphe. Haji Ali is very apreciative and thankful for what Greg and the CAI has done.

  37. One of Greg Mortensons role models was Mother Teresa. The reason I know that she is his role model is because he would finish his speeches by one of her Quotes “what we are trying to do may be just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop”. Also on page 117 it tells you that he went to Calcutta India, which is where he learned that one of his heroes had died (Mother Teresa); and then there were a few pages about her.

  38. The story tells us that girls dont have as many rights. The girls in are country are lucky. Dont take evrything for granted.

  39. The understanding of Muslims culture change of how I look at them cause I thought at the beginning that they were dangerous and religious. Also that you should stay away cause they may bring harm and they only believe in violance. But this book taught me that they aren't all violent and that have patience to have want they want. They know that education will solve their ways. To teach to the world that their not violent they just didn't got their rightful education and with education to their childen they will learn they can be more. They can acomplish their dreams becoming teachers or doctors. Also they can help imporove ours and yours future than wonder what they could of become cause they had to limite their education.

  40. Before I read this book “Three cups of tea" I thought that all Muslim people were bad and very poor, without anything and lived in a deserted area. From this book I learned that the Muslim people are very kind generous people that are very patient. They might to have any education right now but they are educated in their own way about their area and how to dress to stay cool for the hot temperatures that are accruing all year round. I also learned that they don’t live on a deserted piece of land they have towns like we do.

  41. I agree with Hannah Pike. Haji Ali was Greg’s role model because; Haji Ali would basically do anything to help in any way. Also, because of how wise Greg thought Haji Ali was, even though he wasn’t educated, Greg still thought Haji Ali was the wisest man he ever met.

  42. I believe that their religion has changed since Greg has been there like girls could not go to school unless Greg’s role models was Mother Theresa because she dedicated her life to helping people that have been rejected form the world by people who thinks that they are mess ups and people that wont succeeding life.

  43. One of Greg's role models is Haji Ali. This is because Greg thinks Haji is very wise and he doesn't understand how an illiterate man can be so wise and kind. Greg loved Haji and wanted to help him and his village in any way possible. Greg is blown away by Haji and his depth of knowledge even though he was not educated. Greg found out that Haji is willing to go to any length to help his village and other villages to be able to send their children to school to get an education.

  44. The Muslim culture is very similar to the Korphe people's culture. Girls are not allowed to recieve an education and aren't treated as equal as men are. Also it is a very isolated area with not much help if it was needed Before I read this book I believed that all the Muslims were against Americans and didn't want anything to do with us. Now that I have read the book it has changed the way I view them. I now understand that they aren't all against us just the ones that don't like what we are doing to help the girls recieve an education.

  45. 1) When we first started reading this book I really didn't know that much about Muslims or their culture. This book really opened my eyes to see that they are just like us even though we practice different religions. Also, learning about the Muslims and their culture, the Taliban, and Parts of the middle east such as Pakistan and Afghanistan helped me to learn about why we have our army over there. They are not fighting Pakistan and Afghanistan, they are fighting for peace, government, and stability in those countries. Our army is fighting the Taliban and trying to keep them from harming any more of the innocent villagers. Like in the book when Mehdi demanded 12 of Korphe's finest rams. Those are the kind of people our army is fighting against. We do not want to kill those innocent Muslim civilians. Yes they may have a different religion, but that gives us no right to kill them and we are not. I hope that soon all of the Pakinsinians and Afghanis tans will realize that we are only there for protection until they have a strong enough government to protect themselves.
    2) One of Greg Mortenson's role models is Haji Ali. In the book when Greg said Haji Ali was very wise he was right. Haji Ali knew when and who with to pick his battles and that is one of the many things that Greg Mortenson admired most about him. Also, as Olivia said how Haji Ali was willing to do anything to help the children and the village. Like when he and many other men cut and carried 80 pound stones on their backs for the bridge that would allow the school supplies to be brought from Skardu. Another time when Haji Ali helped his village was when he amongst others helped build the school. That was why he was one of Greg's role models.

  46. 1. Before reading this book i didn't really know much about Muslims and their culture. What i thought is that they were all bad people and out to get us. I have come to realize that they are really nice people just like us. They just live in a country that doesn't have the same opportunities as us because they don't have much money.

  47. 1. I agree with olivia when she said that one of Greg's role models is Haji ALi because he is very wise and understands many things that others may not understand. Also, Haji Ali is very smart even though he is uneducated. Haji Ali has lived in an extremely poor country all of his life, but still has the ability to turn everything around and look at it in a positive way.

    2. Reading this book, it has made my opinion change about the muslum culture. I used to think that there were so many people in America that also need to be helped. Now that I read this I understanf better why our army is over there. They are there to help them. I think that their culture, though different from ours needs to be respected. It is only part of who they are and they need respect just like everyone else.

  48. I agree with becky on this one.
    Before on the news and what people said they always sounded like Muslims were bad, and mean and things like that.
    One of Greg's rold models is Haji Ali. I know this because he was very wise and lived in a very very poor place but still had a good attitude and kept living stronger everyday and can turn everything negative around into something positive.

  49. 1.) I agree with Tara, I also thought that many Americans needed so much help, but after reading this book changed my mind about everything. They need a lot of help over there in Afghanistan. They don’t have much food to live on, Let alone a nice, warm, clean house to live in.

    2.) I agree with Olivia, one of Greg's role models has to be Haji Ali because he said in the book that, Haji Ali is one of the wisest men he had ever known. Haji Ali has given a lot of advice to Greg.

  50. one of mortenson role models was Haji Ali. He was a very wise man, and was a fair leader. He has taught greg many things, to never travel alone during the time of war.Haji ali was poor..but he kept a poitive attitude and helped greg buildthe school.Haji Ali is willing to do anything for his people. and even though he isa not educated, he is a very respectful man.

  51. I agree with Thressa that Muslims they would sacifice for their education. Also I agree that their major part is religion because they have to pray 5 times a day. Another thing I agree with is that Haji Ali is the role model because he is wise and make a sacifice so kids in Korphe would not have the feeling of sadness. Making a sacrifice like giving the best of 12 rams will only last a day and they education of children will last forevery and this is a wise choice by Haji Ali.

  52. One of Mortenson's role models is Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa is one of Greg’s role models because she had dedicated her life to helping the poor and those in need. Also I think Mother Teresa’s dedication influenced Greg in helping those in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Another reason is Greg still sat and thought about her and what she had accomplished, two years after her death.


  54. 1) My understanding of muslims has changed because I used to think more that they were just uneducated people who live in the "dark." But, they actually are educated now that Greg Mortenson has built them schools and they are actually very good about eating off the land and surviving with what they have also being resourceful. Like how they used a orange box and wire to get across the Braldu river.

    2) I can tell that Greg Mortenson looks up to Haji Ali because Greg trusts him when he tells him to do somerhing. Also it says in the book that he is the wisest man Greg has ever met. Greg Mortenson is also very kind to him and adapts and tries to do all the customs from their different culture

  55. After reading chapters 17 and 18, I see that the Muslim culture is alot different from our culture. A lot of Americans think that Muslims are all terrorists that want to bomb us or harm us in some way but they're not. We just automatically assume that just because some people of a different religion do something wrong that everyone is bad. In fact, a lot of the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan are pretty civilized. They have different beliefs which makes people dislike them, because they're not like us.
    I think that Greg's role model is Haji Ali. I know this, because Greg has stated that he was a wise old man. Greg also knows that you must respect your elders in the village of Korphe. You can tell that while you're reading that Greg listens to Haji Ali and takes his advice.

  56. My understanding about Muslims and their culture has changed completely since I have read this book. Before I read this book to me, Muslims were bad people with guns and bombs and all that stuff. Also before I read this book I just thought their culture was silly about how they would pray to god 3 times a day and wear veils to cover their faces. But now after reading this I have ten times more respect and understanding than I did in May. I now realize that the true meaning of the say "you can't judge a book by its cover." I now know that everyone is different in their own ways but us and Muslims are really all the same and good inside. So my new understanding is that Muslims are good people regardless of what news paper or anyone says.

  57. "He picked up his dog-eared, grease-spotted Koran and held it before the flames. 'Do you see how beautiful this Koran is? I can’t read it. I can’t read anything. This is the greatest sadness in my life. I’ll do anything so the children of my village never have to know this feeling. I’ll pay any price so they have the education they deserve.'" ~ Haji Ali

    This quote really reflects the way that Muslims really are all out about their religion and very devoted. Some people in the Americas think that they are devoted but we are nothing compared to the average Muslim. I also understand now that Muslim doesn't mean terrorist they are people who may be less educated but care and have common sense and just are fully devoted to their religion.

  58. 1. My perspective on the Muslim religion was that they were terrorists and all they wanted to do was kill. But, reading The Three Cups of Tea book I found out that Muslims aren't terrorists, they are just misunderstood by most Americans because Muslims have a different god and language. But now I know that if they had better educations they wouldn't end up killing people for money and becoming terrorists.
    2. One of Mortenson's role models is Haji Ali because Mortenson listened to all the advice that he gave him, and, in chapter one Mortenson said "I consider Haji Ali one of the wisest men I have ever known."

  59. My understading of the Muslim culture ahs changed from reading tihs book because it introduced me to how they live their everyday lives. Muslims lives are based around their religion, they pray five times a day. Also, they are very caring people, willing to die for a stranger. Most Muslims are very poor, so they don't waste anything they have, and are extremely patient for things like a school.
    I think that one of Greg's role models is Haji Ali. This is proven in the story when Greg listens to all of Haji Ali's advice when building the school. He also called Haji Ali the wisest man he has ever known, even though he is uneducated.

  60. My understanding of the Muslim culture has changed since reading "Three Cups of Tea" is that not all of them turn out to be what we think they are. But before even reading the book I didn't know much about their culture and lifestyle, I assumed that most of them were terrorists. I believe that Haji Ali is one of Greg Mortenson's role models because Haji Ali respects him greatly and he does mention that he was the wisest man he had known, even though Haji Ali does not have an education, as Katie stated.

  61. wow i couldnt agree more with nick. he explained a lot of detail in his comment. i do also think that haji ali and mother teresa were his role models because hali ali was considered a wise man to mortenson and mother teresa was a war hero and took care of so many lives. i think greg wants to be the same and looked upon the same as they were.

  62. Haji Ali was definitely one of Gregs definite role models. Greg was surprised at how well Haji knew what was going on although he was uneducated. He may have been in poverty but always was an upbeat person. Although these were not the best living conditions Haji always had a kind heart. That is why I believe Greg thought that Haji Ali was one of his role models.

  63. 1) I understand it much better now because I now know that Muslims/Muslim culture are very similar and differences then us because they have differences believes and cultures than we do but in a way we are the same because we both go to church, sometimes we may have to fast because the doctor told us we had to, and we both go to school. some differences are that girls can only go to school until 8th grade, girls have to sit be hide the guys in church, girls cant show their hair only to their family, and, they fast for 1 month then have a big feast on the last night of the fasting to them it is just like Christmas or Easter. I think also don’t think they want to be in war but sometime we insist that they are the bad people and they want to prove us wrong to the avoid it to not start conflicts.

  64. I agree with Brandon that the Muslims arent bad people and that they care alot about their family. And that they will help almost anyone if they are nice to them. The third cup of tea you will be in their family and be with them in their hearts forever.

  65. my understanding in muslim culture has changed. not all muslims are terrorists but some are. some people in muslim areas are people that are just like us. we think that all muslims are terrorists and members of Al Queda but there not.

  66. 1-all muslims arent bad and really they mostly want peace but when they need food they go and ask for a job and sometimes that is to go kill or hurt people
    2-haji ali the cheif of korphe because he is older and wiser than greg

  67. 2.Haji Ali was definitely one of Greg’s role models. Haji Ali taught stuff to Greg that he probably wouldn’t have ever known if he didn’t fall into Korphe. Haji Ali was one of the wisest men Greg had ever met. He may not have book smarts, but he definitely has survival smarts, and that is all he needs living in Korphe. They might be poor but they always look at the up- side to everything.

  68. 1)My understanding of the Muslim culture has changed because I have always thought they were all angry and angry with the U.S. and were terrorists. I feel incredibly stupid now. They Muslim culture is more peaceful (in my opinion) than the U.S. they were raised to respect people and try to keep peace.

    2)One of Greg Mortenson's role models were Haji Ali. I think this because in the book Greg talks fondly of him often.

  69. my understanding of muslims have not changed one bit i still think that they are just like everyone els. i dont know any of gregs rules

  70. 1) My understand of Muslim culture has changed because it takes you into their life. You can see they way they live and when i read a book i like to put myslef in their possition and when i did it made me feel heart broken. Those people have been living in such terrible conditions for so long and in the US we take advantage of what we have here when they have pretty much nothing over in Afganastan and Pakastan. It also says alot about them being terrorists. I just think they are people trying to get the best for their familys and thats what alot of americans are doing as well.

  71. My understanding of the Muslim culture has changed because before we read the book i didn't know that we worshiped the same God as they do. Also i didn't know that they prayed 5 times a day no matter where they were or what they were doing. Also I knew that they had to cover uup their bodies, but i didn't know why. I know now that it was because they didn't want the men to focus on their outer beauty, but their inner beauty.
