He considers Haji Ali the wisest man he had ever met because even though Korphe was isolated, Haji Ali somehow knew what was going on. He was also patient; he didn’t get angry when it seemed impossible to build the school before winter. And he sacrificed his rams and food, for education. And even though he was un-educated, He knew how to survive in Korphe with little money.
Mortenson thought of him as the wisest man he ever met because of the advice he gave him and how even though he almost never went outside his village, he knew all that went on. Haji Ali taught him that not everything has to be acomplished immediately. Americans think that people have to finish a goal as soon as they have that goal. Haji Ali taught him to slow down and make builing relationships as important as building projects. He also taught him that he had nore to learn from the people he was working with than he could teach them.
Mortenson consider Haji Ali to be the wost man in that he has ever met because takes half of everything the people make and he took most of their animals that 11 year olds were rasing so they could have food.
Haji Ali is supposedly the wisest man Mortenson has met partly because he knows many things, but mainly he is willing to give away almost anything, just to give children the chance to learn. Haji Ali wants to give the children of his village the ability to read and write and learn, so that they to not have to suffer illiteracy as he did. They would not have to suffer at all.
I agree with what Theresa said because Haji Ali was avery patient man who worked hard to make sure his people were happy and had enough to get them by.
i agree what theresa said and what jamie said because Haji was a man who worksed hard to make sure that school what built befor winter. Also so the korphe people had gotten what hey needed.
I completely agree with Theresa. Haji Ali did manage how to survive in a village with little education, and resources. He is extremely patient, and does not get angery about much. He was able to except the fact that the school would not be built until after winter with ease. Although he had no education, he was still the wisest person Greg had ever met.
Mortenson considered Haji Ali the wisest man he ever met because even though he couldn't read or write Haji Ali still knew many things about life. Haji Ali also knew what was best for Korphe because he gave up the rams for the school, realizing the rams would be eaten and die but the school would be there forever.
When Greg says that he thinks Greg Mortenson is the wisest person he's ever met I think he not only speaks of his ability to give up every thing for his village and being wise but really being able to survive any turn of events (such as winter preventing the building of the schools.)But not only that, he works to help others. (I know that sounds sappy) I personally agree with Tim for talking of him trying to help his village to learn when he could not. He wishes not to pass on his suffering to the next generation of villagers. They made him cheif for a reason, I don't really know if it's his birthright, he beleives the rights of his people and their welfare is more important than his. The one paragraph that personally for me explains the premise of the book is when he says that the firstcup of tea is a stranger. Seccond cup is friend. And the third one is family. He looks towards the furure, he supports the general welfare of his people not himself, and he wishes to prevent the misery for them that he has felt his whole life. Haji Ali is easily the "Wise Man" in this book and he easily stakes his claim for that title in this chapter.
Contrarily to some evident popular belief, I think Greg thinks Haji Ali is the wisest man he has met not because he knows much that goes on beyond Korphe, I would label that intelligence, but I think the reason is exactly what Emilee said in the second half of her post. Specifically that he told Greg to slow down, and that making relationships is as important as making projects, et cetera... I have no idea how to end this post with wit or otherwise, so good night, I'm goin' ta' bed!
Mortensen considers Haji Ali wise because he doesn't allow his illiteracy get in the way of providing for the people of Korphe. Haji has inspiring advice for Greg that encourages him to continue his promise of building the school.
Haji Ali was the wisest man Greg had ever met because he gave him advice to relax and stay and believe in others. Greg believed that Haji Ali was a patient and a hard working man and wanted to be like him.
I also agree with Theresa because Greg thought that Haji Ali was one of the wisest men he'd ever met becaus of the adivce and how much he sacrafices. And he was very un-educated but knew how to survive with only little money.
Greg cosiders Hagi Ali to be the wisest man he has ever met. Haji Ali knows so much but he has hardly been out of the village his whole life. He teaches greg so many life lessons to last a lifetime.
Greg Mortenson considered Haji Ali the “Wisest man he ever met” because he knew the right thing to do for his people. For example, he knew that the 12 goats he had gave Haji Mehdi would be a small price compared to the life time of knowledge the village’s people would get in a life time. Also, he had tried to get Greg to relax, after he had been working hard on the Korphe villagers to work on getting the school completed.
Mortenson considers Haji Ali to be the "wisest man he ever met", because he made a very good point, even though he sacrificed 12 of his biggest rams for the school to be continued to be built, when they run out of food, Korphe will still have a school. Also he is very wise because he pretty much knows who to trust, where to go, and think outside of the box.
I too, among many, agree with Theresa and who ever has agreed with her. Haji Ali has lived most of his life in a small village that has kept Haji Ali from the outside world. He has knowledge of what is going on throughout the world even though Korphe is isolated. He was very patient when is seemed impossable to build the school before winter and he made sacrafices. For example, he knew that the 12 goats he had gave Haji Mehdi would be a small price compared to the life time of knowledge the village’s people would get in a life time. Haji Ali has done all of this with very little edjucation and so this is why Mortenson consider Haji Ali to be the "wisest man he ever met."
Haji Ali is the picture of wisdom. His simple lifestyle and free thinking make him mentally uninhibited. He does not seem weighed down by difficulties. When problems arise, he patiently accepts what he must and does not worry about what he cannot change.
Mortenson thinks that Haji Ali the wisest man he had ever met because he somehow knew what was going on all the time. He was also very patient. He is very wise because he pretty much knows who to trust and people trust him. They made him cheif for a reason. Haji Ali beleives the rights of his people and their needs are more important than his own. I agree with Erica when she said Haji Ali can manage how to survive in a village with little education, and resources. He is very wise because he can manage many things with little or no help.
Greg thought Haji Ali was the wisest man he met because of how patient he was and how he understood everything that was going outside of Korphe while being isolated. Haji Ali once said to Greg to take his time on the school and slow down. The people of Korphe have gone many centries without a school so was does a few more days hurt. Greg took that into much consideration and took his time. He sat back and watched as the people of Korphe finished the school. He couldn't do much mainly because Haji Ali took Greg's leval and clip board and e few other of him building supplies and locked them in his safe. lol. Greg also thought Haji Ali was wise because hes survived so long with little education and resources and hes still doing quite well.
I agree with Jay Kepes. Haji Ali never seems to be bothered by the problems that occur. He does not worry about what he cannot change and simple worries about he can change and how to make the village a better place.
Mortenson believed Haji Ali was the wisest man he had ever met because Haji Ali tells him that he has to take his time, Haji Ali gives up his best rams because he believes that Mortenson can do it. Even though Haji Ali never left his village he knew everything that was going on.
I agree with katie that Haji Ali was a very patient man,but the fact that he would do anything to keep the people in his village alive and happy i think that he is an Honorable person to his tribe.
I agree with a lot of people on this one. Mortenson considered Haji Ali, to be the “wisest man he ever met”, because Haji Ali was a nice man who was willing to give away anything to build a school for the kids, and let them have the education that they need. He also considered Haji Ali “the wisest man he ever met”, because he was a hardworking intelligent guy.
I agree with Jay Kepes that Greg consideres Haji Ali to be the wisest man he ever ment beacause when times get hard he doewsn't let the problems weigh him down he accepts it and doesn't worry about it. I also think it was because Haji Ali is a really patiente man and he told greg that he hadto slow down and not to get so overwhelmed. He said that the people of Korphe had gone centuries without a school so if they had to wait a little bit longer it wouldn't hurt them.
I agree with what Myra said. One thing why Mortenson thought that Haji Ali was a wise man is that he did succeed without an education. Mortenson also thought that Haji Ali was a wise man was that Haji told Mortenson to just relax and take his time on the school, that they could wait a little longer for a school. Mortenson with what Haji Ali said in his head Mortenson just relaxed and watched the construction of the school be finished.
Greg Mortenson considered Haji Ali the wisest man he ever met because even though he couldn't read or write Haji Ali still knew many things that were important in life. Haji Ali did know what was best for Korphe because he gave up the rams for the school. Also, Haji Ali realized that the rams would be eaten and killed, but the school would be there for a long time.
I agree with Nick on all aspects of that. Haji Ali is definitely a wise man. He knows what must be done, when it needs to be done, and how he will do it. Ali is willing to give up so much for the people of his village. Like, his hard work towards the new school and bridge, the twelve rams (Even though they were the villages) he had to choose what was right for the village. Haji Ali is not only wise but smart and conservative. He knows when to go against something or protest and he also knows when to sit back and let nature run its course. When Mehdi came and took the rams, Ali knew that that was not the right time to protest. When the bridge was being built he and the other men of the village carried eighty pound blocks of stone on their backs to create the towers. Now days we would just be able to drive the stone over on a truck or lift it with a crane.
I agree with Nick on all aspects of that. Haji Ali is definitely a wise man. He knows what must be done, when it needs to be done, and how he will do it. Ali is willing to give up so much for the people of his village. Like, his hard work towards the new school and bridge, the twelve rams (Even though they were the villages) he had to choose what was right for the village. Haji Ali is not only wise but smart and conservative. He knows when to go against something or protest and he also knows when to sit back and let nature run its course. When Mehdi came and took the rams, Ali knew that that was not the right time to protest. When the bridge was being built he and the other men of the village carried eighty pound blocks of stone on their backs to create the towers. Now days we would just be able to drive the stone over on a truck or lift it with a crane.
Mortensen considers Haji Ali to be “the wisest men he’s ever met” because he has given up so much for his village. He has been helping Greg with the new school and bridge. He also gave up 12 rams just so they could have a school in Korphe. He is also patient. He lets Greg tell people what he wants done with the bridge and school and listens. Mortensen also trusted Haji Ali to keep his supplies for the school locked up.
When Haji Ali says "Haji Mehdi has food today ...our children have education forever and the people of Haji Mehdi village doesn’t want children to an education. Greg thought that this was the wisest thing someone could say instead of being angry with their god for what they did.
Haji Ali is definitely a smart man. He knows what must be done, when it needs to be done, and how he will do it. Ali is willing to give up so much for the people of his village. Like, his hard work towards, the new school and bridge, and also the twelve rams
Greg considered Haji Ali to be the wisest man he ever met because he was prepared to make sacrifices for his people. When Haji Mehdi came into the village and told them that the building of the school was forbidden. Haji Ali stood up and said that they would still build it. Haji Mehdi demanded that they hand over 12 of the village’s largest rams, and Haji Ali allowed it to happen he told everyone not to be sad but “Haji Mehdi has food today. Now our children will have food forever.” Even though Haji Ali cannot read he knows what is best for his village and knows how to handle situations. Haji Ali had said to Greg that he would pay any price so the children have the education they deserve. Haji Ali was ready to make sacrifices for his village to get an education. That makes him a very wise man.
Haji Ali is a wise man because for every question, he has an answer, but he will not just tell you the answer, but he will make you learn and find the answer for yourself, only guiding you, or Greg.
Greg probably considered Haji Ali one of the wisest men he ever met because he had so many life lessons to share with Greg. He helped him understand why their customs in Pakistan are so important. Haji Ali took Greg into his village and his home when Greg was lost. He new all that anyone could know about his village and his people. Even when times were bad and the didn't have enough food he still new what was best for the village of Korphe.
haji ali wanted the kids to have a better education than he did. he was considered the wisest because he gave up the rams for the school and he accepted greg mortenson into his village and family even though nhe had very little wealth.
Greg was surprised at Haji Ali’s wisdom. Even though Haji was uneducated, he had a wisdom that most people don’t have. Greg considers Haji the wisest man he ever met, because Haji always had advice for people about what to do. When Greg was looking for places to build schools, Haji told him that he would get all the village chiefs together and see exactly who needed a school and where. For an uneducated man, Haji was very wise. Haji Ali always knew what was going on outside of isolated Korphe and he made the wise decision to sacrifice 12 rams just for education. This was wise because after the rams were all used up, the village children of Korphe would still have education.
I personally agree with Tim for talking of him trying to help his village to learn when he could not. He wishes not to pass on his suffering to the next generation of villagers.
He was also patient; he didn’t get angry when it seemed impossible to build the school before winter. Mortenson thought of him as the wisest man he ever met because of the advice he gave him and how even though he almost never went outside his village, he knew all that went on. Greg was surprised at Haji Ali’s wisdom he was a very very wise man
I believe that Greg Mortenson thinks that Haji Ali is the "wisest man he ever met", because Haji Ali knows the different vaules of life and that somethings are more important than others. He also knows when to fight and when to give in. For example when the Chief of another village showed up demnding that Haji Ali give up his school or give up 12 of his best rams. Haji Ali decidded to give 12 of his best rams, When he ci=ould've taken a stand and fought him right then and there.
I agree with Erin on this one, I say this because Greg was very surpirised with Haji Ali wisdom. For example Haji Ali gave up alot for his villege. Secondly because he was also willing to make many sacrifices.
Greg Mortenson Knew Haji Ali was the wisest man he ever met because Greg listened to everything that Haji told him. Another reason that Greg thought that Haji Ali was the wisest man he ever met was because when there was a problem, Greg took Haji Ali's advice and just didn't focus on the problems he faced, so Haji Ali was a patient, loving, good willing guy to help Greg on his path to build the school.
He considers Haji Ali the wisest man he had ever met because even though Korphe was isolated, Haji Ali somehow knew what was going on. He was also patient; he didn’t get angry when it seemed impossible to build the school before winter. And he sacrificed his rams and food, for education. And even though he was un-educated, He knew how to survive in Korphe with little money.
ReplyDeleteMortenson thought of him as the wisest man he ever met because of the advice he gave him and how even though he almost never went outside his village, he knew all that went on. Haji Ali taught him that not everything has to be acomplished immediately. Americans think that people have to finish a goal as soon as they have that goal. Haji Ali taught him to slow down and make builing relationships as important as building projects. He also taught him that he had nore to learn from the people he was working with than he could teach them.
ReplyDeleteMortenson consider Haji Ali to be the wost man in that he has ever met because takes half of everything the people make and he took most of their animals that 11 year olds were rasing so they could have food.
ReplyDeleteHaji Ali is supposedly the wisest man Mortenson has met partly because he knows many things, but mainly he is willing to give away almost anything, just to give children the chance to learn. Haji Ali wants to give the children of his village the ability to read and write and learn, so that they to not have to suffer illiteracy as he did. They would not have to suffer at all.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Theresa said because Haji Ali was avery patient man who worked hard to make sure his people were happy and had enough to get them by.
ReplyDeletei agree what theresa said and what jamie said because Haji was a man who worksed hard to make sure that school what built befor winter. Also so the korphe people had gotten what hey needed.
ReplyDeleteI agree that Haji Ali was a very patient man, and that he would do anything to keep the people in his village alive and happy.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Theresa. Haji Ali did manage how to survive in a village with little education, and resources. He is extremely patient, and does not get angery about much. He was able to except the fact that the school would not be built until after winter with ease. Although he had no education, he was still the wisest person Greg had ever met.
ReplyDeleteMortenson considered Haji Ali the wisest man he ever met because even though he couldn't read or write Haji Ali still knew many things about life. Haji Ali also knew what was best for Korphe because he gave up the rams for the school, realizing the rams would be eaten and die but the school would be there forever.
ReplyDeleteWhen Greg says that he thinks Greg Mortenson is the wisest person he's ever met I think he not only speaks of his ability to give up every thing for his village and being wise but really being able to survive any turn of events (such as winter preventing the building of the schools.)But not only that, he works to help others. (I know that sounds sappy) I personally agree with Tim for talking of him trying to help his village to learn when he could not. He wishes not to pass on his suffering to the next generation of villagers. They made him cheif for a reason, I don't really know if it's his birthright, he beleives the rights of his people and their welfare is more important than his. The one paragraph that personally for me explains the premise of the book is when he says that the firstcup of tea is a stranger. Seccond cup is friend. And the third one is family. He looks towards the furure, he supports the general welfare of his people not himself, and he wishes to prevent the misery for them that he has felt his whole life. Haji Ali is easily the "Wise Man" in this book and he easily stakes his claim for that title in this chapter.
ReplyDeleteContrarily to some evident popular belief, I think Greg thinks Haji Ali is the wisest man he has met not because he knows much that goes on beyond Korphe, I would label that intelligence, but I think the reason is exactly what Emilee said in the second half of her post. Specifically that he told Greg to slow down, and that making relationships is as important as making projects, et cetera... I have no idea how to end this post with wit or otherwise, so good night, I'm goin' ta' bed!
ReplyDeleteMortensen considers Haji Ali wise because he doesn't allow his illiteracy get in the way of providing for the people of Korphe. Haji has inspiring advice for Greg that encourages him to continue his promise of building the school.
ReplyDeleteHaji Ali was the wisest man Greg had ever met because he gave him advice to relax and stay and believe in others. Greg believed that Haji Ali was a patient and a hard working man and wanted to be like him.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Theresa because Greg thought that Haji Ali was one of the wisest men he'd ever met becaus of the adivce and how much he sacrafices. And he was very un-educated but knew how to survive with only little money.
ReplyDeleteGreg cosiders Hagi Ali to be the wisest man he has ever met. Haji Ali knows so much but he has hardly been out of the village his whole life. He teaches greg so many life lessons to last a lifetime.
ReplyDeletei also agree with theresa becouse greg thought that Haji Ali was one of the wisesr men greg ever met becouse of the advise that hje told him.
ReplyDeleteGreg Mortenson considered Haji Ali the “Wisest man he ever met” because he knew the right thing to do for his people. For example, he knew that the 12 goats he had gave Haji Mehdi would be a small price compared to the life time of knowledge the village’s people would get in a life time. Also, he had tried to get Greg to relax, after he had been working hard on the Korphe villagers to work on getting the school completed.
ReplyDeleteHaji Ali is the wiset man greg ever meant because he is very patient and was willing to do anything for the school because he was an illiterate
ReplyDeleteMortenson considers Haji Ali to be the "wisest man he ever met", because he made a very good point, even though he sacrificed 12 of his biggest rams for the school to be continued to be built, when they run out of food, Korphe will still have a school. Also he is very wise because he pretty much knows who to trust, where to go, and think outside of the box.
ReplyDeleteI too, among many, agree with Theresa and who ever has agreed with her. Haji Ali has lived most of his life in a small village that has kept Haji Ali from the outside world. He has knowledge of what is going on throughout the world even though Korphe is isolated. He was very patient when is seemed impossable to build the school before winter and he made sacrafices. For example, he knew that the 12 goats he had gave Haji Mehdi would be a small price compared to the life time of knowledge the village’s people would get in a life time. Haji Ali has done all of this with very little edjucation and so this is why Mortenson consider Haji Ali to be the "wisest man he ever met."
ReplyDeleteHaji Ali is the picture of wisdom. His simple lifestyle and free thinking make him mentally uninhibited. He does not seem weighed down by difficulties. When problems arise, he patiently accepts what he must and does not worry about what he cannot change.
ReplyDeleteMortenson thinks that Haji Ali the wisest man he had ever met because he somehow knew what was going on all the time. He was also very patient. He is very wise because he pretty much knows who to trust and people trust him. They made him cheif for a reason. Haji Ali beleives the rights of his people and their needs are more important than his own. I agree with Erica when she said Haji Ali can manage how to survive in a village with little education, and resources. He is very wise because he can manage many things with little or no help.
ReplyDeleteGreg thought Haji Ali was the wisest man he met because of how patient he was and how he understood everything that was going outside of Korphe while being isolated. Haji Ali once said to Greg to take his time on the school and slow down. The people of Korphe have gone many centries without a school so was does a few more days hurt. Greg took that into much consideration and took his time. He sat back and watched as the people of Korphe finished the school. He couldn't do much mainly because Haji Ali took Greg's leval and clip board and e few other of him building supplies and locked them in his safe. lol. Greg also thought Haji Ali was wise because hes survived so long with little education and resources and hes still doing quite well.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jay Kepes. Haji Ali never seems to be bothered by the problems that occur. He does not worry about what he cannot change and simple worries about he can change and how to make the village a better place.
ReplyDeleteMortenson believed Haji Ali was the wisest man he had ever met because Haji Ali tells him that he has to take his time, Haji Ali gives up his best rams because he believes that Mortenson can do it. Even though Haji Ali never left his village he knew everything that was going on.
ReplyDeleteI agree with katie that Haji Ali was a very patient man,but the fact that he would do anything to keep the people in his village alive and happy i think that he is an Honorable person to his tribe.
ReplyDeleteI agree with a lot of people on this one. Mortenson considered Haji Ali, to be the “wisest man he ever met”, because Haji Ali was a nice man who was willing to give away anything to build a school for the kids, and let them have the education that they need. He also considered Haji Ali “the wisest man he ever met”, because he was a hardworking intelligent guy.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jay Kepes that Greg consideres Haji Ali to be the wisest man he ever ment beacause when times get hard he doewsn't let the problems weigh him down he accepts it and doesn't worry about it. I also think it was because Haji Ali is a really patiente man and he told greg that he hadto slow down and not to get so overwhelmed. He said that the people of Korphe had gone centuries without a school so if they had to wait a little bit longer it wouldn't hurt them.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Myra said. One thing why Mortenson thought that Haji Ali was a wise man is that he did succeed without an education. Mortenson also thought that Haji Ali was a wise man was that Haji told Mortenson to just relax and take his time on the school, that they could wait a little longer for a school. Mortenson with what Haji Ali said in his head Mortenson just relaxed and watched the construction of the school be finished.
ReplyDeleteGreg Mortenson considered Haji Ali the wisest man he ever met because even though he couldn't read or write Haji Ali still knew many things that were important in life. Haji Ali did know what was best for Korphe because he gave up the rams for the school. Also, Haji Ali realized that the rams would be eaten and killed, but the school would be there for a long time.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Nick on all aspects of that. Haji Ali is definitely a wise man. He knows what must be done, when it needs to be done, and how he will do it. Ali is willing to give up so much for the people of his village. Like, his hard work towards the new school and bridge, the twelve rams (Even though they were the villages) he had to choose what was right for the village. Haji Ali is not only wise but smart and conservative. He knows when to go against something or protest and he also knows when to sit back and let nature run its course. When Mehdi came and took the rams, Ali knew that that was not the right time to protest. When the bridge was being built he and the other men of the village carried eighty pound blocks of stone on their backs to create the towers. Now days we would just be able to drive the stone over on a truck or lift it with a crane.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Nick on all aspects of that. Haji Ali is definitely a wise man. He knows what must be done, when it needs to be done, and how he will do it. Ali is willing to give up so much for the people of his village. Like, his hard work towards the new school and bridge, the twelve rams (Even though they were the villages) he had to choose what was right for the village. Haji Ali is not only wise but smart and conservative. He knows when to go against something or protest and he also knows when to sit back and let nature run its course. When Mehdi came and took the rams, Ali knew that that was not the right time to protest. When the bridge was being built he and the other men of the village carried eighty pound blocks of stone on their backs to create the towers. Now days we would just be able to drive the stone over on a truck or lift it with a crane.
ReplyDeleteMortensen considers Haji Ali to be “the wisest men he’s ever met” because he has given up so much for his village. He has been helping Greg with the new school and bridge. He also gave up 12 rams just so they could have a school in Korphe. He is also patient. He lets Greg tell people what he wants done with the bridge and school and listens. Mortensen also trusted Haji Ali to keep his supplies for the school locked up.
ReplyDeleteWhen Haji Ali says "Haji Mehdi has food today ...our children have education forever and the people of Haji Mehdi village doesn’t want children to an education. Greg thought that this was the wisest thing someone could say instead of being angry with their god for what they did.
ReplyDeleteHaji Ali is definitely a smart man. He knows what must be done, when it needs to be done, and how he will do it. Ali is willing to give up so much for the people of his village. Like, his hard work towards, the new school and bridge, and also the twelve rams
ReplyDeleteGreg considered Haji Ali to be the wisest man he ever met because he was prepared to make sacrifices for his people. When Haji Mehdi came into the village and told them that the building of the school was forbidden. Haji Ali stood up and said that they would still build it. Haji Mehdi demanded that they hand over 12 of the village’s largest rams, and Haji Ali allowed it to happen he told everyone not to be sad but “Haji Mehdi has food today. Now our children will have food forever.” Even though Haji Ali cannot read he knows what is best for his village and knows how to handle situations. Haji Ali had said to Greg that he would pay any price so the children have the education they deserve. Haji Ali was ready to make sacrifices for his village to get an education. That makes him a very wise man.
ReplyDeleteHaji Ali is a wise man because for every question, he has an answer, but he will not just tell you the answer, but he will make you learn and find the answer for yourself, only guiding you, or Greg.
ReplyDeleteI agree with erin. Haji Ali had given up much for his village and he did sacrifice the villages most valluable rams so the schools could be built.
ReplyDeleteGreg probably considered Haji Ali one of the wisest men he ever met because he had so many life lessons to share with Greg. He helped him understand why their customs in Pakistan are so important. Haji Ali took Greg into his village and his home when Greg was lost. He new all that anyone could know about his village and his people. Even when times were bad and the didn't have enough food he still new what was best for the village of Korphe.
ReplyDeletehaji ali wanted the kids to have a better education than he did. he was considered the wisest because he gave up the rams for the school and he accepted greg mortenson into his village and family even though nhe had very little wealth.
ReplyDeleteGreg was surprised at Haji Ali’s wisdom. Even though Haji was uneducated, he had a wisdom that most people don’t have. Greg considers Haji the wisest man he ever met, because Haji always had advice for people about what to do. When Greg was looking for places to build schools, Haji told him that he would get all the village chiefs together and see exactly who needed a school and where. For an uneducated man, Haji was very wise. Haji Ali always knew what was going on outside of isolated Korphe and he made the wise decision to sacrifice 12 rams just for education. This was wise because after the rams were all used up, the village children of Korphe would still have education.
ReplyDeleteI personally agree with Tim for talking of him trying to help his village to learn when he could not. He wishes not to pass on his suffering to the next generation of villagers.
ReplyDeleteHe was also patient; he didn’t get angry when it seemed impossible to build the school before winter. Mortenson thought of him as the wisest man he ever met because of the advice he gave him and how even though he almost never went outside his village, he knew all that went on. Greg was surprised at Haji Ali’s wisdom
ReplyDeletehe was a very very wise man
I believe that Greg Mortenson thinks that Haji Ali is the "wisest man he ever met", because Haji Ali knows the different vaules of life and that somethings are more important than others. He also knows when to fight and when to give in. For example when the Chief of another village showed up demnding that Haji Ali give up his school or give up 12 of his best rams. Haji Ali decidded to give 12 of his best rams, When he ci=ould've taken a stand and fought him right then and there.
ReplyDeletebecause when greg stayed with him he taught him very valuable lessons of life
ReplyDeleteI agree with Erin on this one, I say this because Greg was very surpirised with Haji Ali wisdom. For example Haji Ali gave up alot for his villege. Secondly because he was also willing to make many sacrifices.
ReplyDeleteGreg Mortenson Knew Haji Ali was the wisest man he ever met because Greg listened to everything that Haji told him. Another reason that Greg thought that Haji Ali was the wisest man he ever met was because when there was a problem, Greg took Haji Ali's advice and just didn't focus on the problems he faced, so Haji Ali was a patient, loving, good willing guy to help Greg on his path to build the school.